Calling all Type 2 Diabetics

LMcgloon Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes in July and it's been a crazy trip so far. Up until 2 months ago I was always a healthy, happy person. I've always battled with being overweight but I'd never even broken a bone, let alone need to take daily medications!

I've taken this diagnosis VERY seriously, and firmly believed it has changed my life for the positive. Thats not to say it doesnt come without it's downfalls, as i'm sure you all know very well! (Gosh I'd love an ice cream sundae)

I was just wondering if anyone had some good ways of dealing with this, maybe some cool recepies or exercise tips?

I know there's millions of Diabetes sites and message boards out there but I thought I'd see if anyone on MFP wanted to be diabetes buddies, as we can all use support.


  • Hey!
    My name is Melanie and I was diagnosed with Diabetes when I was 10 years old and am now 22. It has been a battle all my life with Diabetes and with my weight. I have learned that when I work out and eat right I loose the weight. It also keeps my sugars under great control! Everybody is different with Diabetics I feel it is easier for us to gain weight and twice as hard for us to take it off so you have to have a mind set that is going to help you loose the weight. For my body I have learned that I need to work out 5 days a week and for over an hour that is the only way I have ever known my body to loose weight.

    Buy a diabetic cook book they are great. Most diabetic cook books tell you the nutrition on them which is very helpful and I have cooked a few things out of mine! Need any recipes let me know :)
  • I am type 2 diabetic - I was diagnosed 3 years ago (I'm only 33). When I was first finding out I was told it was "pre-diabetes" and if I lost a few pounds I may prevent or at least put off diabetes...I really wish I'd listened!!! Weight loss is so important with diabetes - I've been told if I lose weight I won't need meds because the dr. is convinced it's purely "weight - related". I have about 90 lbs to lose but she tells me just losing 25 or so could make a huge difference. Well, we are now uninsured...uninsured with diabetes....Soooo you can imagine how darn determined I am to lose this weight!!

    I've learned a lot the past 3 years. Like I can have ice cream sometimes :) But can NEVER have pizza - even just one slice and my sugar is so high I'm passed out on the couch. I can handle a lot more fruits then others seem to, but can't handle white pastas at all. It's the little things you learn along the way. My sugar goes very low sometimes, that is usually my bigger issue then going high so I have to eat very often.

    I'd love to be friends! We can do this!
  • Hello and welcome to MFP. I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes in 2002. My last A1c was 5.6 and that was a week ago, so I'm pretty happy with the results for all the healthy living I've been doing lately :)

    Although what I eat is important watching my calorie intake and trying to keep a nutritious balance between carbs, proteins and fats, exercising is just as important for me. And not something I'm always motivated to do every day. But I see and feel the benefits when I do get in 30 - 45 mins at least 5 to 6 times a week.

    Feel free to friend me, you are right we all need buddies to help us.
  • Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes in July and it's been a crazy trip so far. Up until 2 months ago I was always a healthy, happy person. I've always battled with being overweight but I'd never even broken a bone, let alone need to take daily medications!

    I've taken this diagnosis VERY seriously, and firmly believed it has changed my life for the positive. Thats not to say it doesnt come without it's downfalls, as i'm sure you all know very well! (Gosh I'd love an ice cream sundae)

    I was just wondering if anyone had some good ways of dealing with this, maybe some cool recepies or exercise tips?

    I know there's millions of Diabetes sites and message boards out there but I thought I'd see if anyone on MFP wanted to be diabetes buddies, as we can all use support.
  • I was diagnosed in Sept 2007. My world has changed. I'm working on eating healthy foods, and exercising twice a week. I am taking deep water workouts which I love to do. The third workout is a simple walk in the mall - it's free and it brings me in from the elements - winters are very harsh here in Calgary, Alberta Canada.

    Make sure you get rid of all the "white" in your life. No white bread, no white rice, half of a potato, I prefer sweet potatos now - much better for health! Fresh green veggies are best. Carrots and corn are limited. Drink juice only when you are in a sugar low. Fresh fruit is always better. I have sugar free icecream made from Splenda available in my local grocery store. I will have it as a treat once in awhile, sometimes I will add fresh or frozen berries, if you have a blender, make yourself a shake. What I love to do with the "icecream" is to add a tablespoon or so of dark chocolate chips, then add some walnuts or almonds. Super yum.

    Hang in there. Life has just begun.
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