Couch to 5K people!



  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, I am doing the C25K program, but with power walking. After I get down I am going to try it with some jogging. Then I will do it a third time and try to run :)

    So far on W3D1 and down to a 20-21min mile from a 24min mile :)

    Open to some C25K buddies so add me up!
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Hello! I just completed WK1D3 so I'm not too far ahead of you. I'm using this to bridge into a half marathon training program for a Feb 1/2. I used to run all the time and then I had two kids and well I got lazy. But no more I'm going to kick the couch habbit!
  • 08312013
    08312013 Posts: 24
    Another C to 5k'er here. I am on week 4. I go out early to avoid the worst of the heat like so many others. I did the program 8 years ago and went on to run 5Ks, 5 milers, 10 milers, and a marathon! (I then hung up my shoes and gained 50 lbs :-)

    Add me so we can cheer each other on!
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45

    I started the c25K about 8 weeks ago.. I had to repeat week 1, week 2 and week 3!

    I was going to repeat week 4 as well because I struggled running 5 minutes at a time, but was okay with the 3 minute runs.

    Anyway, I accidentally went into week 5 day 1, which is run 5, walk 3... and I'm now glad I didn't repeat week 4! I just did my second time for this routine, AND I COMPLETED IT... ALL THREE RUN 5 MINUTES I feel so ACCOMPLISHED!!

    Honestly, I couldn't run for 30 seconds when I started this, and now look at me running 5 minutes! Week 5 day 2 is run for 8 minutes, THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT! But if the past is an indication of the future I know ill be able to do it sooner or later :)

    So for anyone who is just starting do not get discouraged if you have to repeat a week like I did, and probably will again :)
  • invisibility
    I finished W1 today, but I'm going to redo it next week because my legs have been very unhappy about this new development.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 1 of the zombies run C25K version. It's awesome.
  • msmarisa21
    msmarisa21 Posts: 23 Member
    I completed Week 1 Day 1 today. This was no small task for this 350 lb chica, but it's a start, right!. The running defintely got easier as the workout progressed. I can't wait until the day that I can run the entire thing.
  • kaustin515
    kaustin515 Posts: 18 Member
    I start Week 8 Day 1 tomorrow with a 28 minute run. To think back when I started and was gasping for air after 60 second runs is amazing to me. I am so proud of myself. Am I fast? No. But do I finish? Yes. Just pace yourself and I always allow for my rest days and do something else (was just walking but now I'm doing 30DS) on the days I don't do C25K. I use an app called Ease Into 5K. I love it and actually enjoy the runs. I live in OK and run in the evenings outside. Best of luck and feel free to add me! I like other C25Kers!
  • becky25900
    Hey i'm on week 4 at the moment. I was astounded that i could keep up with the majority of the workouts. I've repeated week four as the last day i couldn't finish the last run and if i haven't run in a week or so i usually repeat the last workout.
    I've found every workout as hard as the first, but if you can do the first, you can do them all :)

    I've found not looking at how long you have left to run really helpful, especially for the 3+ minute runs.

    I can't wait to be one of those people who run for 30 minutes without stopping (and to be fitter than my boyfriend)!

    Best of luck, and feel free to add me.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Hey there :)

    Actually just finished for the second time today :drinker: did it last year as well but this time I did better on time and am not completely dead after it :bigsmile:

    Stick with it and you will be running 30min+ by the end, promise! :flowerforyou: