Yoga and running.. No more hobbling!

I used to tun five miles/ day - TEN years ago! I am motivated to burn calories since joining so have gone from walking for an hour ( or less) to getting on the treadmill for 50 minutes and alternating running 5/ walking 2 minutes. Maybe I jumped in too quickly? Maybe I should have eased into it a little slower.. I was actually HOBBLING the other night, hmm..

I just wanted to share this: It was so much easier during and after my workout when I did a quick yoga segment on Rodney Yee's YOGA FOR ATHLETES. It's like 10 minutes long and really opens up the lower back and hips thus minimizing the post workout hobble! Yesterday I stayed off the 'mill and just did his full length workout ( same disc) for flexibility and every muscle in my body is sore!! Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who is afraid of being sidelined by injury.


  • brittfj
    brittfj Posts: 50 Member
    Right there with you, I was training for a race last year and injured my illotibial (sp?) band and couldnt run for 2 months! Slow and steady this go around, but I started yoga this time too and it has helped a lot! Keep at it youll get there :]
  • smylegirl
    smylegirl Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, this is very interesting to me! I'm just getting back into exercising after being sidelined with a very slow-healing fibular stress fracture for 7 months. I'm still nervous about overdoing it and injuring myself again. I did recently buy a DVD called "Yoga for Wimps" and have tried it once so far. I was pretty shocked by how sore I was afterward! I definitely know I need to improve my flexibility in my hip flexors, and strengthen my lower back and core muscles. That will help my posture and in turn the way I walk/run. Can you post more information about YOGA FOR ATHLETES? Is it a series of DVDs or just one? Thanks!
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    Good to know.
    I am really bad at stretching before/after workouts and I rely on going to my weekly hot yoga classes to get that good stretch in there to make up for all the little stretches I fail to do. I do too much sitting for my job and my hips are what I notice are the most sore. I should look into this DVD and do it most days of the week, run or no run.
    Who doesn't have 10 minutes to spare for some yoga?!
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I've practiced yoga since about 2000 or 2001, and let me tell you, I've been more sore from yoga than from any other physical activity. And it's not because it is particularly strenuous, as exercises go. The reason it makes you so sore is that it involves mostly eccentric contractions of muscles. This means that the muscle is extended/lengthened under strain. There are not that many poses in yoga where serious concentric contractions are required.

    In research on delayed onset muscle soreness, when they want to induce soreness, that's the kind of activity they have the subjects do. So that's why you get sore afterwards.

    Re: running, it's always a good idea to supplement running with some strength and flexibility training, if only to avoid injuries. If I were to do only yoga in addition to running, I would focus on standing balance poses because of their focus on the lower leg muscles, which have always been a weak point for me.
  • AKLisaK
    AKLisaK Posts: 2 Member
    I got it on Amazon. It's one disc with two full workouts ( one strength, one flexibility) and then a bunch of mini workouts for specific sports like running, swimming, golf, tennis, etc.. They're just quick little per or post workout stretches but feels amazing