i am mainly in the green.. exercising at least 3-4 hours a week.. and am not changing weight... im truely struggling... any ideas that may help?

p.s. i can not do hard exercise over 20mins at a time atm due to on-going cardiac tests. need to loose at least 20lbs in 2months


  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    that's a lofty goal not a healthy one either honestly is there a good reason or is it vanity?

    The best thing is always talk to your doctor perhaps they have something to help you do this in a beneficial way that wont damage already fragile health
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Why do you "Need" to lose at least 20 PDS in two months? Or is it that you "want" to lose at least 20 PDS? From what I have seen but through my own experience, and from what others have written on this Website, fast weight loss in a short period of time is not healthy and most likely not permanent. It is a Change in Lifestyle that will result in permanent weight loss. Otherwise, one may as well just do one of those fad diets to reach your Goals (such as wanting to lose weight for an upcoming beach vacation and want to wear a Bikini). It is a whole Lifestyle Change, slow and gradual. One can hope that a 20 lb loss will come quickly, but IMO, you can be Setting yourself up for failure.

    This is a great Website...... Great ppl....... and I wish you well on your journey. I hope you take the time to read some of the success stories to see how others have become successful.
  • you are right.. i do not need to loose this much nor loose it that quickly..but in an ideal world that is what i would like... i do not really have a major time limit but would like it under a year... its just i used to do athletics and therefore was comfortable with the size i was... after finding out i was having health difficulties i had to stop running as regularly and therefore my fitness dropped and my weight gained i would just like to return to the size i was as i was happiest at that size but my weight seems to plateau. during athletics i could eat what i wanted but now... obviously i cant haha. so the way i have to log my food i thought would help me to realise what i am eating and therefore make a long term dietary change.
  • Hi, Sorry to hear that you are struggling.

    I would suggest adding 1 hour of yoga to your routine, yoga is a major calorie burner, if you need ideas see if you can find the Yoga X workout from the P90X videos. Maybe have a look at Kenpo X and X Stretch also.

    Good luck

  • jdhobson
    jdhobson Posts: 42 Member
    The first thing I would suggest would be to relax. You cannot force this issue. It seems you have a good workout regiment established, so next would be the diet. What kind of foods are you eating? How are you watching what you are eating? What is your goal in your diet? There are many tweaks you could do to your diet that would be beneficial. Establish a healthy diet that is within the boundaries, stay hydrated, and exercise. The pounds will begin to shed.
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there :) sorry to here of your set backs however it's great to see you haven't given up...As above trying to take off to much weight isn't going to help you, I was recently reading up (trying to make sense of it all) and apparently if you lose more than 2llbs per week you could be losing muscle not fat, obviously as you've been very athletic previously you will understand the dangers and impact this will have on your body and your ability to exercise..

    Yoga sounds good wouldn't mind trying that out for myself, but swimming is fantastic, burns a lot of calories and you can take it at your own pace :)

    Good look!
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Something this site has emphasized. Everyone is different, and not everyone/every-body reacts the same to weight loss efforts. I have seen the following:
    Eat more calories to lose weight
    Eat less calories to lose weight
    Do not eat sugar
    do not eat carbs
    do not eat meat
    lose weight fast
    do not lose weight fast
    and any combination of the above

    For me - I cut out candy, was absolutely honest about my caloric intake (do not care about carbs, sugar, protein, sodium, etc) conservative about daily activity level (started out sedentary and upped it after a month to light activity) varied my diet, and never go over my caloric intake for the week (have gone over a few days).

    This seems to work for me - at least so far - but I have only been at this for ~ 6 weeks.