Hmmm what to say....

As I just typed in my news feed I've lost weight before but I get to a certain point and seem to lose it ( and not in the good weight loss way).I'm not sure if its I get bored of eating the same things or fed up that some people don't need to watch their wait. I think this is round 4 for me on healthy eating and losing weight. I know I need support and I'm hoping this will be a great community to be apart of.

Good luck everyonex


  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Well, I know a lot of people on here feel the same as you, including myself. It seems like the people around me don't have to work as hard to be fit and with that comes a judgment from them, thinking that I'm too extreme on myself with what I eat, but I know what it takes to succeed at this now and you have to just prioritize what you want most and balance where that point falls for you. I have found I can't listen to those around me because my body is so different than theirs. Everyone in my family, excluding myself is 250+ lbs and I just have to work harder. Those are the cards I've been dealt and I prioritize my health over good tasting meals almost every day.
  • Seems as though most of us have a similar story!! I joined this site because of its social aspect. The contact and encouragement from others in a similar situation is helping to keep me motivated!! Welcome and Good luck! Add me as a friend if you'd like ....
  • johnthefatman
    Many YoYo dieters here - if I had lost all the lbs that I have lost in five trips on the YoYo in one go I wouldn't be alive :smile:

    Been here 5 weeks now and I am sure this time will be different. If you need support ping me a friend request - oh and tell us a little more about yourself in your profile - it helps to gather friends who are in the same part of the world who share time zones, seasons, shops etc


    PS Love you handle - most apt
  • immortala
    I couldn't agree more, Im finding now that altough a tasty meal is nice, the satisfaction of that meal is not long compared to feeling good about yourself.
  • immortala
    Thank you, that's why I joined I use to go to slimming world but fell off the wagon last year for personal reasons so now I'm trying to get rid of the weight I put back on.How long have you been on here?
  • immortala
    Thank you, I'll get my profile updated I need the support.