I just started CROSSFIT..Love it!

I am looking for others who are into crossfit for information and support, also for advice on logging crossfit.

I lost 60 pounds and I am looking to tone up and get in shape.


  • astrocaroline
    astrocaroline Posts: 3 Member
    Glad you started Crossfit! I started about 4 months ago and I LOVE it! Started from very little fitness/athletic background, so I've struggled with lots of things along the way and still scale my workouts a LOT compared to the prescribed workouts. But it's SO much fun, different everyday, and I don't need to think about it, I just do it. :)

    I usually log it as ~20 minutes of "Circuit training". Our WODs are usually 10-15 min. long, so the 20 minutes also includes the warmup cardio. If we do a longer metcon, I log it as longer. e.g. a 25 min. metcon I'll log as 30 min of circuit training. Not sure what other people do. This may underestimate my calories for an hour-long class, but it's hard to gauge how many you burn in the strength/technique portion.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    thanks for the info:love:
  • CindyC60
    CindyC60 Posts: 30
    Being a vegetarian, you probably won't fit in well with the Crossfit crowd. Once they recruit people and they get past the onramp program, many Crossfits are almost cult-like in pushing the Paleo diet plan-- which is very heavy on meat.

    Among other activities, I do a boot camp class a few times a week. It has about 10 or 12 different workout stations, and we all do the circuit two or three times, spending about 2 minutes at each station. It is a good mix of cardio and strength training, and the workout is different every time.

    If you can find something like that in your area, it would give you the variety you want without having to deal with the pressure to eat Paleo or do the rapid heavy lifting routines that causes so many Crossfit injuries.
  • JenaFernwood
    Being a vegetarian, you probably won't fit in well with the Crossfit crowd. Once they recruit people and they get past the onramp program, many Crossfits are almost cult-like in pushing the Paleo diet plan-- which is very heavy on meat.

    Among other activities, I do a boot camp class a few times a week. It has about 10 or 12 different workout stations, and we all do the circuit two or three times, spending about 2 minutes at each station. It is a good mix of cardio and strength training, and the workout is different every time.

    If you can find something like that in your area, it would give you the variety you want without having to deal with the pressure to eat Paleo or do the rapid heavy lifting routines that causes so many Crossfit injuries.
  • Kmh45126
    Kmh45126 Posts: 21
    Being a vegetarian, you probably won't fit in well with the Crossfit crowd. Once they recruit people and they get past the onramp program, many Crossfits are almost cult-like in pushing the Paleo diet plan-- which is very heavy on meat.

    Among other activities, I do a boot camp class a few times a week. It has about 10 or 12 different workout stations, and we all do the circuit two or three times, spending about 2 minutes at each station. It is a good mix of cardio and strength training, and the workout is different every time.

    If you can find something like that in your area, it would give you the variety you want without having to deal with the pressure to eat Paleo or do the rapid heavy lifting routines that causes so many Crossfit injuries.

    That's funny, I've been doing crossfit for awhile now and no one at my box has ever mentioned anything about paleo...strange. Have you met Jane? You and her have similar anti-crossfit views.
  • JenaFernwood
    Nope, I haven't met Jane yet, but just signed up today. So I haven't had time to meet many people.

    Just didn't want to see a fellow vegetarian get too deep into a situation where she'd probably get lots of criticism and pressure about her dietary choices.

    Maybe not all Crossfit boxes push Paleo, but the majority seen to. I know someone that recently left Crossfit due to the constant pressure to eat Paleo and do 30 day Paleo Challenges.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Nope, I haven't met Jane yet, but just signed up today. So I haven't had time to meet many people.

    Just didn't want to see a fellow vegetarian get too deep into a situation where she'd probably get lots of criticism and pressure about her dietary choices.

    Maybe not all Crossfit boxes push Paleo, but the majority seen to. I know someone that recently left Crossfit due to the constant pressure to eat Paleo and do 30 day Paleo Challenges.

    You clearly have never ACTUALLY been a member or been to a CrossFit gym in general. I've been to or been a member of about 5 of them across the country and I've never been pressured about my dietary choices. Hell, I've even drank BEER, God's gluten filled nectar, AT my CrossFit gym multiple times. Plus, a little intro to Paleo isn't the worst thing most Americans could be exposed to for a better understanding of how to eat.

    You and JaneBShaw, Health_Gal or whatever the hell she's going by these days, would get along great.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I am not sure where people seem to be getting these outrageous accusations about crossfit training. I did it for years. I never hurt myself. I was never pushed beyond my limits and I was able to stop at anytime I wanted to. I was never pressured to eat any special diet. I ate whatever I wanted and no one ever mentioned my diet to me. I posted a comment before on crossfit training on here and someone wrote to me and slammed me about encouraging people who where attempting crossfit. I informed her that I had done it for years and had never experienced her perceived dangers. I lost a ton of weight and had a six pack and I'm a women. At that time I had my ideal body.
  • JenaFernwood
    Just found an article that talks about Paleo and it's connection with Crossfit. As you can see, the Paleo diet plan is really heavy on meat.

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Actually CrossFit HQ recommends a diet of 40/30/30 c/p/f

    You can read anywhere that the top cf athletes do not adhere to a strict paleo diet. Nobody in CrossFit is going to give a rats *kitten* what you eat unless you are constantly complaining about not getting results.

    So... Eat what you please, enjoy your WOD's, don't forget to do your mobility, and HAVE FUN!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Nope, I haven't met Jane yet, but just signed up today. So I haven't had time to meet many people.

    Just didn't want to see a fellow vegetarian get too deep into a situation where she'd probably get lots of criticism and pressure about her dietary choices.

    Maybe not all Crossfit boxes push Paleo, but the majority seen to. I know someone that recently left Crossfit due to the constant pressure to eat Paleo and do 30 day Paleo Challenges.

    You clearly have never ACTUALLY been a member or been to a CrossFit gym in general. I've been to or been a member of about 5 of them across the country and I've never been pressured about my dietary choices. Hell, I've even drank BEER, God's gluten filled nectar, AT my CrossFit gym multiple times. Plus, a little intro to Paleo isn't the worst thing most Americans could be exposed to for a better understanding of how to eat.

    You and JaneBShaw, Health_Gal or whatever the hell she's going by these days, would get along great.

    Yeah, actually drank beers WITH the CF HQ peeps after the cert last weekend!
  • Kmh45126
    Kmh45126 Posts: 21
    Just found an article that talks about Paleo and it's connection with Crossfit. As you can see, the Paleo diet plan is really heavy on meat.


    You're missing the point. The original poster was not asking for suggestions on how to escape the "crossfit cult" you allege, they were looking for like minded members. In the typical fashion of Jane and healthgal, you're taking up hi-jacking other members posts by using them to propagate your anti-crossfit agenda. Next thing you'll do is join the crossfit group to spew the hate there too.
  • JenaFernwood
    I am not spewing hate. I was just letting her know that many Crossfit boxes put a lot of pressure on people to eat Paleo.

    The OP is a vegetarian, so I thought she might want to know that.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I am not spewing hate. I was just letting her know that many Crossfit boxes put a lot of pressure on people to eat Paleo.

    The OP is a vegetarian, so I thought she might want to know that.

    How do you 'know'?

    Even if it was a legitimate issue, adults rarely can force other adults to do anything regarding diet. It's called having your own opinion and standing your ground.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    there are several excellent crossfit groups on the site. go the to GROUPS page and search for the ones with the most active members and recent posts
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of passionate opinions! LOL
    I am a live and let live kinda of person.

    I love crossfit, it pushes me and makes me accountable. I feel very welcome by everyone I have
    met that is into crossfit. I have also done BOOT CAMP and really liked that too.

    I am a vegetarian for health reasons. I have digestive problems that no one seems to be able to help
    me with and I per chance happened upon an artcle that talked about omitting certain foods until you
    find out what is the food that is causing you problems. I no longer eat meat or dairy, or wheat or white flour.
    I don't eat processed foods, or sugar.I'm not die hard vegetarian. If I happen to be in a situation where there are no
    vegetarian options I opt for protein over fat laden sides, dairy, pastas etc.

    I feel great and inspired by people who have any passion for health.
  • toholio
    toholio Posts: 46 Member
    I was just letting her know that many Crossfit boxes put a lot of pressure on people to eat Paleo.

    You must only have been to pretty crummy boxes. If the people at your box are pushing paleo too hard, or more specifically their concept of paleo, then find a better box.

    The coaches at the box my wife and I go to aren't pushy about diet at all. They're unlikely to even bring it up unless you ask them for advice.