100+ pounds to lose and looking for support buddies! :)

Hi everyone!

I am 22 years old and want to lose 120 pounds. I would love support along the way! I work out with my sisters and a friend but it would be awesome to have some online buddies too! I have been logging in every day since I joined about a week ago. I am serious about getting in shape and improving my life!

Three years ago several things happened in my life and I started emotional eating. Before that I was in great shape and rowed on my high school crew team for 4 years. I haven't had a weight problem until these last three years, where I put on 120 pounds! I am at a positive, happy place in my life, and now I want to get back into shape for my own health and happiness.

3 months ago I started eating healthfully, and a few weeks ago I started getting serious about exercising. I am doing the c25k app everyday and I'm on week 5 day 2. I am also doing body weight strength training (it's a lot harder than it used to be!!) and I work out at my local Curves gym. Once I get stronger, I want to try weightlifting. It sounds intimidating but I have seen great results from the people on this site!

Feel free to add me! I can't wait to meet you guys and support you in your own journeys! :)


  • Hello,

    I also have 100+ pounds to lose! And I understand where you're coming from with the emotional eating. I'm actually currently in therapy to manage it.

    I'm gonna add you as a friend if that's okay! Best of luck <3
  • Detixce
    Detixce Posts: 11
    hey! it sounds like we have a lot in common! I am 22 as well with 100 lbs to lose. Absolutely love life, just ready to give it a new appearance with a strong, healthy body. About to add you right now!
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    You guys got this, just stick to your diet and dont get discouraged about the little things
  • Hi, I am in a similar situation. I am little bit older, but not by much. I am 24 and trying to lose 90lbs. I joined this site because I do not have a lot of support with family and friends about losing the weight. I had my daughter 1 year ago and I want to finally lose all of this weight that I had before I got pregnant and the little bit of weight that I gained while pregnant with her. I am not only doing this for myself, but I am also doing this for my daughter so that I can show her the importance of healthy eating habits and healthy exercise habits. I hope that y'all wouldn't mind if I add you to my friends list. I know I need support to do this. I know it will not be easy, but I am determined to turn this around.
  • Maracuya77
    Maracuya77 Posts: 23
    I'm 28, with two kids, and I have to lose 100 pounds as well...feel free to add me : )
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    Good for you for standing up for your health! Definitely adding you. Would love to help support, encourage, and motivate you! :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 24 and I have 165 lbs to lose. I have no kids. I have PCOS and so I'm on a ketogenic diet. But my diary is open if you ever want to take a peak, and I've been going 30+ days strong!
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    Hey, good luck to you! :) I'm doing the c25k as well! I was right at 200 pounds when I started, down to about 174 now! Those first few pounds come off so quickly when you get your eating habits straight; it's a good motivator!
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me. I try to give support daily to everybody on my friend's list. Good luck to you:).
  • danibodani
    danibodani Posts: 41
    Good luck to you girl! I am new to the site (today) and need/want to lose 25lbs. I am here to motivate and support anyone and everyone cause gosh knows I need it too.
  • Kimberrh6
    Kimberrh6 Posts: 77 Member
    I understand how you feel! I'm an emotional eater as well and used to be 90 lbs lighter. Feel free to add me because I need support buddies too :)
  • Howdy! I have 146 more pounds to lose, and would love to team up with you/anyone with similar goals. I am all about having fun while doing this so that way I can keep believing within myself. Hope y'all have had a great Saturday! Hoping to connect with you guys :)
  • Travis_Lee_II
    Travis_Lee_II Posts: 22 Member
    Weightlifting can definitely help! I had 100 to lose when I first started... Wasn't using MFP at the time but have been for about a month now. Best decision I've made in a long time. The people here are great and very helpful. I'd love to help you and others! I've made progress but still have a long way to go. Good luck to you and everyone else in this thread! ^^Wassup KK! haha
  • jklopezfamily
    jklopezfamily Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Sara,

    My name is Kelsey I'm 23 and I am also trying to lose 100 pounds :-)
  • _G4BR13L_
    _G4BR13L_ Posts: 131 Member
    Hello please feel free to add me.
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    Hi Sarebare. I'd love to help motivate and support you. Please feel free to add me to your friends list. :)
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    And anyone else who's looking for friends for motivation and support. I always like new friends so the more the merrier in my book! :)
  • ehilario13
    ehilario13 Posts: 11
    I have about 160+ lbs to lose an would love suppor as well :) feel free to add me if you like
  • I have 118 to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • savgar32
    savgar32 Posts: 23 Member
    Please add me too! I started out wanting to lose 100 and I am almost half way there! But my motivation is starting to falter :\ let's inspire each other :flowerforyou: