looking for some support

I'm starting again, and looking for some mutual encouragement.... I started out at 5'7 weighing 232 lbs.... I'm now at 205.6, with a long ways to go....

my wake up call was sitting in McDs today eating a meal, and then getting this weird urge to check the calories on what I was eating, and WOW over 1000 calories in one sitting... how is that going to make me into the person I want to be... so, I logged the whole thing, and decided to start taking care of me

Feel free to send me a friend request if you so desire :-)


  • fattyfedup
    Good for you!!! You've gotta start somewhere. I am 5'6" and weigh 202. Started out at 206 lbs... 2 weeks ago. Seeing progress sure beats gaining. Keep it up...and with positive thoughts and determination you Will see results. This program is just a baseline...but it helps me to stay accountable and motivated! Good luck to you. :)
  • sampsosd
    sampsosd Posts: 1
    I am very active. Definitely no couch potato. My issue is I live by the clock and my work accomplishment appears to be more important than eating right. I very seldom eat breakfast and lunch. I am not one who enjoys going out to lunch with co-workers. For one, I think it's expensive and I rather take care of what I need to do at work so I can get home and enjoy my hobbies. With this, I be so hungry that I end up stopping off at a fast food restaurant and end up ordering and eating everything except the straws and napkins. Looking at the calories that they post really helps brings this to reality. You are what you eat. Making better choices and having the support from other really helps.
  • mferoli
    mferoli Posts: 13 Member
    I am new too, and definitely need support. I have really been working to eat better, but I face so many obstacles. My sons are home from college and want all the old comfort food. I have been faithfully logging in everything I eat and seeing where I need to make changes. I tend to eat when stressed, bored and tired. I have a long, long way to go, but I want to stay positive and encourage my family to eat better together. Eating out is hard. Try and look things up before you go out, that has really helped me make better choices! It can be really surprising to see the nutrition info on what I would think might be healthy options! Learning a lot and hopefully making a difference!
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me. Glad you are here!
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I'm new too... I'm 5'1" and started out at 202 pounds. What really hit me and made me take action was my health. At my most recent doctor visit, I was told that my blood work showed I had high cholesterol and might have a fatty liver which, if confirmed, I would have to be put on medication for. I already have a lot of meds for my PCOS and I don't want more. The scary part is that I'm only 23, and I feel like I have a lot to live for ... I'm just holding myself back.

    I fully understand how negativity affects a person. I am still a student and I have to live at home.... With a family that just ruins my health and who loves to rub in discouraging remarks. I understand the underlying insecurity from my family, but its still painful to bear. They just can't seem to understand where I'm coming from. So, I def need the support and would gladly return in kind. We're all struggling to be better and that's something to be proud of :-)

    Feel free to add me <3
  • sweetooth1
    Read all your posts... I think doing this MFP isnt an easy one... Eating healthy isnt easy one one day its goods then some days arent... Its going to be hard way... But i think with all others supporting each ither... Well got tonwhat we want
    To achieve... Hlad too that we can get support from people who cares????
  • larrytyrersr
    larrytyrersr Posts: 8 Member
    I like the app, but have very few friends on it...I am at around 207, I began at 410 2 years ago in August....I like to swim, yardwork, and walk....I am addicted to program and think it is a motivator.
  • CaliforniaBecky
    Hello, I've just joined this week. Just looking for someone to compare, talk, give support. My name is Becky
  • klynnb38
    klynnb38 Posts: 3
    I'm starting again too - like you i've previously lost some (about 40) still over 220 and boy would I love to wake up one say and revel in how it feels to be 140 :)) I would love to chat anytime - we all need support, I know I do! Been trying to do it alone and well,...clearly that hasn't been working ;))

    and yes, isn't it frightening when you put things in the calorie counter and realize what we've been eating? kinda like a friendly slap upside the head. heh.
  • fatnomore201220132014
    fatnomore201220132014 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey congrats on making the decision to start taking care of YOU. I have lost about 40 pounds since October 2012 and I still have about 20-30 pounds to go. Lately I have been struggling to stay on track and I have begun to run to food to deal with my anxiety...once again.

    But... I'm determined to NOT go back to where I was 40 pounds ago and I'm basically starting all over again, with the same discipline and enthusiasm I had when I first started at my heaviest!

    Good luck

    Anyone, Feel free to add me! :D
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    I just signed up for my fitness pal last week, so Im new to this whole thing! The day I signed up was the day that I decided I was through with being overweight. I had stepped on the scale that morning and when it said that I weighed 198, I about had a heart attack. Im only 5' 3" and I barley weighed more than that when I was full term with my daughter. Right then and there I decided that I was going to do something about it. I had heard of this app from my endocrineologist who said that his staff used this app and it helped them lose the weight. I figured if my Dr. was endorsing it, then maybe I should try it. I like that I can track pretty much everything. I know this sounds kind of childish but to keep me motivated, I sort of treat this whole thing like a game. I try to out do myself everyday and thats what keeps me going, even if Im only being competitive with myself.

    Good luck in your journey! Add me if you like!

    Anyone can add me if they like, the more support, the better!
  • pauluk1978
    pauluk1978 Posts: 88 Member
    I just started properly yesterday and am also looing for some mutual encouragement and support, feel free to add me
  • stevenbrookwood
    stevenbrookwood Posts: 12 Member
    Just recently joined MFP last week. Lost 85+ lbs by myself, but ended up yo-yoing a bit. Luckily I caught myself in time, and didn't ruin ALL the work I did.

    Always looking for people to discuss weight loss, and will gladly provide motivation for anyone who needs it. We need to stick together!