Anyone else tried a "plucot" (or pluot or apriplum)?

emlee01 Posts: 102 Member
I'm probably late to the game, but I found them at my local supermarket today and thought I would take some home (simply based on the odd name). This particular variety was dark purple with equally dark sweet flesh. I'm looking forward to giving them a try in my protein smoothie tomorrow. If anyone has other suggestions for their use, I would be very grateful...


  • coffeehousebrat
    coffeehousebrat Posts: 5 Member
    I recently got some free with my produce delivery - they were absolutely delicious! I just ate them plain or on the side of my meal. :bigsmile:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I just eat them plain. I never tried adding them to anything. Yum!
  • katg73
    katg73 Posts: 77 Member
    I've eaten them plain and I did try them in smoothies a few different times. I have to say, I prefer them plain. They didn't seem to do much for my smoothies. Enjoy them! They are yummy!
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I just had to google, i've never seen them before, they look yummy, i'll see if we have them in the supermarkets here in the UK :smile:
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I also picked one up at the store. There was a dinosaur on the label, I couldn't resist.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I love them!
  • graceinva
    graceinva Posts: 6 Member
    or one brand is called "Dinosaur Eggs."
    Possible fun prep? Grill.
    Like grilling peaches.
    a little maple syrup, cinnamon, ground ginger??
    Serve with yogurt.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    "Dinosaur eggs". That's one variety of pluots. My family and I used to live in California, where the farmers markets carried many different varieties. Besides looking the funniest, dinosaur eggs also tasted the best to my family.

    Now in the midwest, dinosaur eggs are the only variety that make it our way. We buy them whenever we see them.

    I'd never thought of grilling them. May have to give that a try.
  • emlee01
    emlee01 Posts: 102 Member
    or one brand is called "Dinosaur Eggs."
    Possible fun prep? Grill.
    Like grilling peaches.
    a little maple syrup, cinnamon, ground ginger??
    Serve with yogurt.

    This definitely seems like a fun idea! I'll have to give it a try!