
" Teacher you're fat!" Those were the words I heard from a Kindergartener in my class. I smiled politely and said, "I' am not fat so and so, I am just pleasantly plump." I smiled while my heart sunk down to my toes. There it was the truth spoke out of the mouth of babes! The ugly truth, the real truth, I had reached my limit in weight and now it was showing! I finished the parent conference and I literally wanted to die, except I knew he was just being honest like any other Kindergartener.
I thought this summer I must slim down except summer has come, and it's almost ending and I am still just as heavy if not heavier than ever. That's when I decided, to face my weight head on. No more excuses, no more dieting, I am going on a lifestyle change to live longer. Especially now since my one and only granddaughter is turning two and I want to live longer to watch her grow. This is a life style journey that will change who I am. Anyone out there with me?


  • klynnb38
    klynnb38 Posts: 3
    hi there! there's always that one moment that stands out and starts us on our way -- that little boy was yours :) I'm just beginning this journey again as well. We all have to start somewhere right? You can do this! tomorrow's always a new day:))
  • Good for you! I have realized that diets don't work for me. I need to change the way I eat and I have discovered today, it is mostly mental. I started today and consciously drank more water than I ever have in one day. I listened to my stomach and realized I was full after finishing what I thought would never fill me. Now, I need to challenge myself to eat snacks in between meals and continue to drink water.

    I hope you are successful in your journey. I will battle daily until I win.
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    I just started about a week ago. Feel free to send me a friend request--we can motivate each other.