Strength training and full time work/school/family.

A little background on me. I am soon to be 43, have two special needs teenagers with one being high functioning Aspergers Syndrome and the other one being classic severe autism. My husband is physically disabled. I have been the primary wage earner in our family for several years now and am taking the opportunity to go to school for Massage Therapy part time in the evenings. It is a very hands on program so I must physically be in school. I have been working on losing weight for the last three years and prior to joining MFP I lost around fifty pounds or so.

I had to take a break from working out for several months due to Achilles tendonitis. Everything I did seemed to irritate it even with stretching. I have been doing water fitness classes and it is finally healing but other than that I am ready to seriously start strength training. What I am worried about though is wether I will have the time or the energy to do it when I am in school (which starts in October). I will be working from 8-4:30 Mon-Fri and will be I school Mon-Thur.from 5:30 -9 PM. So it will be work then straight to school for four evenings a week. I figure I can workout on Friday nights and Sundays but the Y will be closed at the same time I get out of school. I only work out in the evenings right now because of my work and I am needed in the AM to help with my daughter who requires assistance with hygiene and toileting. I will be getting home at 9:30 at the earliest and getting up before 7 to get ready for work and help my daughter. I understand from my reading that 3x a week is optimal for strength gains.

I have been so inspired by all the progress pictures that I have seen of all the ladies who lift! I have been on a cycle of losing weight and then plateauing for months on end and it is so frustrating. When I saw the pictures of some of you I was still taking a break due to my injury but now I think I am ready. I just have no idea how I am going to to find any time to work out during the week once I start school. I will probably not have time to reply until tomorrow evening but I look forward to reading the replies.. I also posted this I the womens strength training group about four days ago.


  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    While 3 times a week would be nice, all is not lost if you can't get in 3 sessions a week. You can do strength 2 days per week and a bodyweight circuit on nights that you aren't able to get to the gym or don't have much time.

    Something like this would be a decent place to start:

    You can add in a short HIIT session after you lift if you have time.

    A good place for body weight circuits is this group/thread:

    As well as this: (all scale-able to whatever your current fitness level is)
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    While 3 times a week would be nice, all is not lost if you can't get in 3 sessions a week. You can do strength 2 days per week and a bodyweight circuit on nights that you aren't able to get to the gym or don't have much time.

    Something like this would be a decent place to start:

    You can add in a short HIIT session after you lift if you have time.

    A good place for body weight circuits is this group/thread:

    As well as this: (all scale-able to whatever your current fitness level is)

    I agree with this advice. Also think of it as your time out. Do you enjoy lifting? It seems you would be under a lot of physical and mental pressures at home and with school and work. I find exercise helps me to deal with the other parts of life. Please also remember to eat well. Eat enough calories, and try and fit in healthy foods you enjoy. I feel this is so important too.
  • xxxtracyxxx
    xxxtracyxxx Posts: 29 Member
    "I just have no idea how I am going to to find any time to work out during the week once I start school." If you want to do it, you will find a way. I wish you every success - you can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    While 3 times a week would be nice, all is not lost if you can't get in 3 sessions a week. You can do strength 2 days per week and a bodyweight circuit on nights that you aren't able to get to the gym or don't have much time.

    Something like this would be a decent place to start:

    You can add in a short HIIT session after you lift if you have time.

    A good place for body weight circuits is this group/thread:

    As well as this: (all scale-able to whatever your current fitness level is)

    I agree with this advice. Also think of it as your time out. Do you enjoy lifting? It seems you would be under a lot of physical and mental pressures at home and with school and work. I find exercise helps me to deal with the other parts of life. Please also remember to eat well. Eat enough calories, and try and fit in healthy foods you enjoy. I feel this is so important too.
    Honestly I have not really done enough lifting to know wether I really like it or not. I was previously strength training in fits and starts if you all know what I mean. I just could not seem to find anything that I could stick with. I am going to drop my YMCA membership when I start school in October because I will be getting out of school at exactly the time that they close and my weekend priorities will be studying, family and home.

    I think that my only real option is to find a way to do bodyweight workouts at home. I do have a doorway pull up bar. the ironic thing is that right now my son is storing his Olympic weight bench with 300 plus pounds of various weights and curl bars in my garage.Of course he also has a whole lot of other stuff stored on top of it and all will be gone in a few months so there is no point in me borrowing his stuff.

    Also what exactly is HIIT? I have heard of it but was never sure of exactly what it is. My Achilles tendonitis seems to be a chronic condition so I cannot do high intensity workouts like running or even jogging. Heck even walking too fast can irritate it sometimes, and definitely no jumping or hopping outside of the water fitness class.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Body weight circuits can still produce great results. Check out the Nerd Fitness site for a handful of good ones and if you don't mind repetition just cycle through those a few times a week and since you can't do too much high intensity/impact work try going for a half hour walk a couple to a few times a week as well as an active recovery activity.
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    Body weight circuits can still produce great results. Check out the Nerd Fitness site for a handful of good ones and if you don't mind repetition just cycle through those a few times a week and since you can't do too much high intensity/impact work try going for a half hour walk a couple to a few times a week as well as an active recovery activity.
    I used to be an active participant on that site.Not so much since I discovered MFP. Thanks though! I know they have some good videos.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I also have a busy schedule and have found the best option for me is early morning workouts. I wake up at 4am and allocate one hour to working out Monday - Friday. I lift Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and Tuesday and Thursday are my active recovery days - either intervals on the treadmill, Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, or Balance Ball/Core workouts. I do everything from home, as I certainly would not waste any of that valuable early morning time driving anywhere (and nothing would be open in my small town anyways :-) As suggested above, there are plenty of body weight exercises out there that require no equipment at all. Personally, I like the lifting enough that I have acquired an entire, fully equipped home gym over time...

    I find that by making this block of "me time" early in the morning, not only are there no excuses (like I always seem to have at night), but it really helps to start my day off on the right foot. I feel energized (once I get going, usually after the first 5 minutes) and ready to start my day off right. I can also go through the rest of my day knowing that my workout has been completed and I have nothing to dread when I am exhausted at night... I also find that exercise is an excellent way for me to deal with the stresses of life, and it certainly sounds like you have your share of that. Consider it "you time" and try to enjoy it --- sort of like a manicure or pedicure, only with sweat! :-D

    It is certainly not easy to hear that alarm at 4am, but that is what works for me. Sounds like you just need to pick a time and commit to it. It certainly does not need to be every day - three days a week of strength training is plenty - then just squeeze in some kind of activity on those "off days" as your tendonitis allows.
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I also have a busy schedule and have found the best option for me is early morning workouts. I wake up at 4am and allocate one hour to working out Monday - Friday. I lift Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and Tuesday and Thursday are my active recovery days - either intervals on the treadmill, Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, or Balance Ball/Core workouts. I do everything from home, as I certainly would not waste any of that valuable early morning time driving anywhere (and nothing would be open in my small town anyways :-) As suggested above, there are plenty of body weight exercises out there that require no equipment at all. Personally, I like the lifting enough that I have acquired an entire, fully equipped home gym over time...

    I find that by making this block of "me time" early in the morning, not only are there no excuses (like I always seem to have at night), but it really helps to start my day off on the right foot. I feel energized (once I get going, usually after the first 5 minutes) and ready to start my day off right. I can also go through the rest of my day knowing that my workout has been completed and I have nothing to dread when I am exhausted at night... I also find that exercise is an excellent way for me to deal with the stresses of life, and it certainly sounds like you have your share of that. Consider it "you time" and try to enjoy it --- sort of like a manicure or pedicure, only with sweat! :-D

    I admire people who can actually get enough sleep waking at 4 am and workiing out. I will not be getting home much before 9:30pm on most nights and since we have only one car I predict that I will also be doing some after school trips to Walmart. I think that I will workout on Friday and Saturday evenings and make myself pick one night after school during the week and stick to it.
    It is certainly not easy to hear that alarm at 4am, but that is what works for me. Sounds like you just need to pick a time and commit to it. It certainly does not need to be every day - three days a week of strength training is plenty - then just squeeze in some kind of activity on those "off days" as your tendonitis allows.I have considered that but it just is not doable for me since I will not even be getti g home much before 9:30 on weeknights. If I get up early to do anything at all it will be to study! For me it has always worked out better to do it inthe evenings. I think I am just going to have to spend 30 minutes on Fridays and Sundays then just pick a night during tbe week to get it done.
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    I am loving strength training but I would dread going to a gym. All I have is a door gym, resistance straps to help with chin-ups, a pair of 20 lb dumbbells with 4 extra 5 lb discs so I can change the weights depending on what I'm doing plus a yoga mat. It's compact and easy to set up and put away. My workouts are 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Oh, I also have Nia Shanks' Beautiful Badass ebook with links to her demo videos. That was $16 and worth way more. I am on the very beginning beginner program!
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Bump for later