Revelations...pls. add some of yours



  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    1) Dripping with sweat doesn't make you gross, it makes you STRONG!
    2) You really won't die if you don't eat chocolate every day.
    3) Diet Coke gives me the munchies.
    4) Don't trust MFP to guess your calorie burn correctly.
    5) -3 + 2 is still equal to -1. The path to goal doesn't have to be linear.
    6) It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or sees. I have to do this for me.
    7) A new pair of shoes for every 5 lbs I lose makes me a happy girl.
  • kaydeedoubleu1
    kaydeedoubleu1 Posts: 567 Member
    1) when lonely and down, going out and getting drunk to get attention is like eating junk food...short term its satisfying, but the next day you feel like crap and hate yourself.
    2) Staying in and choosing not to make bad life choices (ie not going out every weekend doing the same crap) and instead, focusing on positive things like self improvement, does not make you boring. Those that stop keeping in touch with you, or get bored of you, arent the kind of people you want in your life anyway.
    3)The ABSOLUTE key to success is having a strong, positive and supportive network of friends and family. Anyone who is negative about your positive life changes or who brings you down, should be cut off. You are worth more than that. Don't keep friends around just for the sake of having 'friends': one amazing friend is worth a thousand times more than ten ****ty ones.
    4)ROUTINE! such a crucial key to weight loss
    5)Finding an exercise routine or activity that you love (mine is boxing class, filled with such positive people each week and its such a good stress reliever, and i actually smile most of the way through, even if its a grimace with pain)
    6) Losing weight for the right reasons: for yourself, ultimately, and because you're fu%^ing worth it.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1. Bring a water bottle, EVERYWHERE.
    2. Don't let people get you down, or distract you from your goals.
    3. Surround yourself with positive people, people who inspire, motivate, and support you, drop those who bring you down.
    4. Be active, everyday, even if it's a little bit.
    5. No matter how much you change, how confident you get, always strive to be a inspiration, and to motivate others .

    Btw, op, very nicely written, sounds like you're doing great !

    Wonderful post such inspirational and IMPORTANT revelations to/for me--especially:

    "5. No matter how much you change, how confident you get, always strive to be a inspiration, and to motivate others . "

    Thank you EVER so much for your reply!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Jult 1st my dr put me on a script and a 1200 cal diet. With a very firm NO going out to eat...... I have learned my hubby and i have to learn how to date without food and drinks.... My hubby is deaf so we dont go to movies or out dancing.... However we have disscussed this and we have went for a few hikes together and there may be a trip to a museum in our future with hiking and a piknik at the park. Also Im a work in progress and its ok....

    What a seemingly bummer, yet...a blessing in disguise--to discover exciting things to do with your hubby that does not include food and drinks:wink: Hiking is/can be so much fun, so relaxing and beautiful. Also museum going too. Here's some other ideas for you guys:

    Movie Theatre
    Minature Golfing
    hitting golf balls/going to the driving range
    going on walking tours
    going to comedy shows
    batting cages
    roller skating
    art gallery hopping
    visiting the zoo
    and my ALL time favorite---people watching!!!!!!:smooched:
    tennis....soooooo many things!

    Thank you ever so much for posting I LOVE your attitude/spirit in your "revelation". :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My Revelations:

    1. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. This takes hard work and dedication.

    2. Being healthy is about more than just being skinny. It is about eating correctly and having a strong mind and body.

    3. Sometimes it's going to be extremely hard, but if you just keep on pushing through it does get easier. This cycle will happen repeatedly. Accept it, and never give up!

    4. Some people will help you. Others will want you to fail. The only time people ever want you to fail is because they are scared of your success and that you will become better than them. Good! Use that as motivation. Jealousy only means you are doing something right that others can be jealous of.

    5. Good things take time. In order to do this the healthy and sustainable way, it is going to take a while, and that's okay. That's how it is supposed to be. Gradual progress is still progress!

    LOVE your "revelations and will keep them in my own heart and mind too! Thanks so much for posting.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    Not sure of any Revelations yet as I've really just started this journey...but thank you for this post. Very encouraging! :):flowerforyou:
  • Ianharrison9988
    Ianharrison9988 Posts: 9 Member
    I signed up for a sponsored bike ride and decided that I needed to get fit for the ride. One month before the ride I started on the static bikes in the gym. More resistance, higher speed and longer on the saddle. I had been going to the gym for a year and lost no weight at all..... In a month, with the help of MyFitnessPal I lost 12 lbs and was ready for the challenge.... 188 miles in 3 days. My relegation was that you need to put in effort to gain; not pain, just effort. Secondly, learn how much food weighs you don't need to weigh it all the time. Lastly, it is all relative. At the end of the day, whatever you eat, it is the scales that tell you how you're doing.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My revelation was that my body could be pushed a lot farther than what my mind wanted to go. Once I convinced myself that I could keep going well past the point that my mind told me I need to quit, I found myself accomplishing things I only dreamed of doing.

    WOW...just W:heart: W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can not tell you how fabulous this "revelation is"...sounds simple, right? WRONG. I will definitely KEEP this in my heart and mind and to help me push when on my bike and working out and even in my doing what it is going to take for me to get this flab and fat off forever.

    Also, your drop kicking into the place where the sun will NEVER EVER shine 178 HUGE pounds, ounces, inches and woe is soooooooo inspirational and encouraging. I'm soooooo proud of you and THANK YOU so much for posting!

    WOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :love: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    1. Don’t be afraid to just TRY and KEEP trying!

    It took a lot of courage for me to just go to that first bootcamp class, and even more to keep going. I felt ashamed of being overweight, embarrassed for being so out of shape, and discouraged that I couldn’t complete most of the exercises…. But I made me feel like that, no one else did so I made the decision to keep going. Now bootcamp is what I look forward to most and contributed to my greatest weight/fitness successes. Going through that also opened the door for me to try yoga, running, HIIT, kettle bell classes things I never would have dreamed of trying before.

    2. Strength training + Carido + Healthy Meal Choices = Overall Success - for me anyway :)

    Fabulous post! I love that you put your "revelation"
    1. Don’t be afraid to just TRY and KEEP trying! as NUMBER 1.


    Fear,'s such a subtle and all evasive captive. I want to use a stronger word that "captive" to describe fear--but it's hard to describe.

    Fear (my FEAR of doing what's RIGHT many/most of the time--in situations where I'm "ashamed" or afraid of what "others" may think and do and going along with "the crowd" instead because of fear of rejection from them, and my lack of fear of God. I, all to often I ALLOW fear to influence me as to what I should not be afraid of and I too often don't fear what I should--(i.e. lack of fear of God's judgement, lack of fear of His Approval, lack of fear of following His Ways and obeying Him). Or WORSE, my fear of doing what's right for me, my body (in eating and drinking, self-control and self discipline and things like that) is so utterly wicked (twisted/perverted/harmful) to me and is the number one reason (for me) that holds me back from doing my best and doing what God wants me to do in my life, it makes me mad just thinking about it--that blasted and dreaded fear. I HATE FEAR--fear is rank high in my enemy list for sure.

    You ROCK for posting this. :heart: :drinker: :heart:

  • 1.) How I HATED/dread taking pictures or having people take pics of me....DUH, I've got the "revelation" just recently that it's ridiculous, because people CAN SEE me (for some strange, weird and odd reason--I didn't "get" that)! I've always thought I hated taking pics, because I didn't want people to see me. NO! I hate taking pics because I hate to see me like this. Seriously, sounds obvious and even dumb, but I am just getting this revelation and what I'm going to do about it???? I'm going to no longer "shun" taking pics with my family and friends and thus kicking the mess of out that dreamland and comfy place called DENIAL!

    Ha -- I can relate to this. I also avoided and dreaded pictures. I hated how I looked in them, then I realized that this is how I look to other people. I see it a little differently when I look in the mirror, but the camera doesn't lie. So instead of running and hiding when anyone gets out their camera, I try to be decent about it and let them take their pictures. It's my problem if I don't like the way I look in them. And if I don't like it, I am the only one who can do anything about it.

    I love all these revelations. Some are things I have realized on my own, but others are a new and different way of thinking. Both are so helpful.
    The main thing for me to remember is that this is my party. I am in charge.
  • tinycowa
    tinycowa Posts: 2 Member
    Wonderful post!! Would like to read this book. Started my journey June 17th, this summer and down 17lbs (not my first's been a process). What I notice when my eating is in "line" and I'm taking control of my inner child is an amazing spiritual peace. Those first 2-weeks of detox from sugar and processed food are extremely difficult but this feeling of peace is soooooo worth it. I am a sugar/sweet addict, crave it but feel every ounce of it the next day in my body and mood, especially as I am getting older. Your post is very encouraging to me and affirming. Thank You!
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    1) A portion size is not as much as I can eat at one time. Portions need to be weighed and measured. And a correct portion is satisfying.

    2) It it much easier to control calories by not overeating than by trying to burn them off. I can lose weight by cutting calories alone. i cannot lose weight by exercise alone. But the two together make weight loss easier and more enjoyable.

    3) I have to be my own support and motivation. If no one notices my loss, I can't let it get me down. People can't see my smaller pant size. People don't know if I've worked out longer or harder. I have to celebrate my own victories. I'm doing this for me.

    LOVE ALL OF THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    For me, my revelation was that my overeating was mainly caused by a "spiteful" attitude about some situations in my life. I realized that I was exerting my "power" over the only thing i really felt I had control over, which was what i ate, how much, and when. In actuality, this was sabotaging me. I got the areas of my life right and honest and it totally removed the desire to binge/overeat.

    Exercise can be fun. I got a HRM and it has satisfied my need for "instant gratification". I can instantly see a rough estimate of calories burned through exercise. (there is a fair amount of controversy over the accuracy of HRM and calories, but i won't go into that.)

    You really can eat chocolate. My husband lost 30lbs last year using MFP and has continued to log his every bite and he has maintained the loss. That man eats CRAP all day - but he logs it and exercises.

    Your caloric intake is 80% of what makes your success - or breaks it. The exercise helps what's under the fat look better when the fat decreases.

    Good luck!
  • Mom_Ellis
    Mom_Ellis Posts: 72 Member
    bump for later
  • ailbheoconnell
    ailbheoconnell Posts: 48 Member
    My revelation was that my body could be pushed a lot farther than what my mind wanted to go. Once I convinced myself that I could keep going well past the point that my mind told me I need to quit, I found myself accomplishing things I only dreamed of doing.

    bump for later
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    I went on Amazon looking for a self-help book called The Book of Revelations and didn't find anything. Did you literally mean the book from the Bible? (No judgement, sarcasm, or negative whatever attached). If that's not what you meant, could you tell me the name of the author?
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I went on Amazon looking for a self-help book called The Book of Revelations and didn't find anything. Did you literally mean the book from the Bible? (No judgement, sarcasm, or negative whatever attached). If that's not what you meant, could you tell me the name of the author?

    Hi There :happy:

    I'm studying/reading and was referring to The Book of Revelations from the bible. I'm reading the King James Version as well, so that makes it all the more strange, weird and odd--yet exciting as well (for me). Thank you so much for taking the time and care to ask and I take absolutely no negative thoughts, nor such such thing connecting your question at all. I just super appreciate you asking and again, sorry I didn't make it more plain/clear.

    Here's a cartoon/comic that one of my dearest mfp friends shared with me, that is secular and deep too. It super relates to this strange, weird and odd struggle and battle of the blasted bulge as well--that perhaps many will be super inspired by:

    Hope this helps a wee bit and thanks again for your post :heart: :smooched: :heart:

    ETA: even though I am NOT a runner, I can still totally relate to this comic, totally...I think many of us can/will too--runner or not!
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for sharing. That was the most awesome comic I've ever read.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thank you for sharing. That was the most awesome comic I've ever read.

    You're so VERY welcomed. Isn't it fabulous. I was thrilled when my Mfp sister shared this with me too. It was/is strange weird and odd, DEEP and funny as ALL get out all at the same time. I'm so GLAD you liked it and I hope it helps/inspires and encourages you as it does me. :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: :happy:
  • sophisli
    sophisli Posts: 41 Member
    1) A portion size is not as much as I can eat at one time. Portions need to be weighed and measured. And a correct portion is satisfying.

    2) It it much easier to control calories by not overeating than by trying to burn them off. I can lose weight by cutting calories alone. i cannot lose weight by exercise alone. But the two together make weight loss easier and more enjoyable.

    3) I have to be my own support and motivation. If no one notices my loss, I can't let it get me down. People can't see my smaller pant size. People don't know if I've worked out longer or harder. I have to celebrate my own victories. I'm doing this for me.

    and Yes.

    These are all my revelations too!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    * I learned that my biggest impediment to getting stronger and fitter was me! Not my job, not time (or lack thereof), not my perceived limitations, not others in my life, not my family history, ME! (And I am working to change that!) :)

    * I am slowly learning that the limits I have are mental, not physical, and that me and my body are pretty darn incredible! I am doing things in the past few weeks, that I had never thought possible - EVER.

    * It's a life long process - this won't stop in a couple of weeks because I hit a certain weight goal or accomplished some fitness goal. This is the rest of my life.

    This is absolutely the BOMB--The BOMB I'll tell ya! The Bomb it takes to destroy those blasted yucks called fear, doubt and the ever present and dreaded wicked one called denial. I LOVE this....ALL of it--but especially:

    "* I learned that my biggest impediment to getting stronger and fitter was me! Not my job, not time (or lack thereof), not my perceived limitations, not others in my life, not my family history, ME! (And I am working to change that!) :)"

    Girlfriend, words can't express how super fabulous you are to take the time and care to post this. Your "revelations" are so essential and life-giving, it's inspirational, motivational and encouraging as can be to me. Thank you EVER so VERY much for ROCK, period.

    :smooched: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :smooched: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart::love::drinker::smooched:

    P.S. WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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