Diet Pills

Hey guys,
Just wondering if there's anyone here that has had good experiences using diet pills as a supplement to your exercise and eating plans. How effective were the pills, price and what side effects (if any) did you experience?

I have previously used Hydroxycut and found them to be very effective and helped me with my energy levels quite a lot, but were quite expensive for me.

Thanks guys!


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Don't do it. There's no magic pill, only watching your calories. You'll be wasting your money and potential harming your body. My step sis has a bunch of bad stories about girls (and guys) who did diet pills, laxatives, appetite suppressants, all that stuff. It's not worth the risk and it doesn't work long term. It'll take a little longer, but do it the regular way. Changes in lifestyle always trump quick fixes.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    You're going to get a lot non positive posts with this question...

    I was once addicted to Hidroxicut.. Did I lose weight? Yes, but it was probably more because I ate too little and exercise too much. What did the pills do? Caffeine overdose and some scary fainting spells.. (including one that left me in the floor for good 40 minutes).

    Did I gain the weight back? Oh yes, and with vengance!

    So I don't recommend them... If you want to have the energy they give, you're good to go with coffee and green tea consumption. That's the only thing they bring to you, Other than that, heart palpitations and temporal weight loses don't make the whole thing worth it. IMHO
  • astattonhunt
    astattonhunt Posts: 10 Member

    I've had a great experience with Garcina Cambogia, I've written several blogs on my experience this past week. I didn't change my eating at all and haven't exercised and lost 3.6 pounds. This first week my only focus was to track my calories and take the Garcina Cambogia. I haven't even taking it correctly as you are supposed to take it 30-60 minutes before a meal and i have a real problem with scheduling my meals for certain times so many times I took it right before the meal, sometimes I forgot to take it at all.

    You can check out Dr Oz make sure to watch all three parts of the video. I also asked my own personal physician who's been my doctor for over 12 years.

    I am suffering from a lot of problems, I broke my back, have a PARS defect, have three ruptured discs, have RA and OA Arthritis, and fibromyalgia. So exercise isn't always easy for me, I have one last steroid shot for my back on 7/24/13 and I'm hoping after that I can start and exercise routine.

    But to have lost 3.6 pounds doing absolutely nothing is pretty amazing. I can't imagine the results as I reduce my calories this week, and add in exercise next week, I can't wait to find out!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    There are a lot of fake diet pills on market. They are just gimmick and has no results, it's surprising how many of them you can find, so before buying anything do a careful research. And then there are ones that indeed work. Usually by repressing your appetite with chemicals in them, what is the most popular, or burning for directly, etc. The second type is pretty damn hard on your liver and kidney, no doubt it's very unhealthy and illegal in many countries. Not sure about first but I can't imagine it would be healthy either.

    You could probably lose some fat with them but I am sure once you would stop you would gain that all back. Don't look for easy way. Potential health risks also is not worth it.

    Yes, another non positive post about this...
  • The only reason I came to this site is because i'm done with diet pills . Yea you'll see a little bit of difference if you take them, but you just end up gaining the weight back. Plus most of them are super bad. I wouldn't recommend it and this is coming from someone who always was taking some sort of diet pill. Good luck
  • JamMarie1987
    JamMarie1987 Posts: 17 Member
    You're going to get a lot non positive posts with this question...

    Oh I know that many people aren't fond of them. I fully expected to have to skim through many posts that were just pure negativity. I've had positive experiences with them, and wondered if anyone else did and what pills they used. I am fully aware that if not used properly there can be serious consequences. And I am also not suggesting that they will work without exercise and healthy eating. I used Hydroxycut a few years back along side a very active lifestyle with a healthy diet and found them to be extremely effective, yet expensive. I have recently had some health issues and am only just resuming my exercise plan and healthy eating and found that Hydroxycut has gone up quite a lot in price and has become unaffordable for me :(
  • JamMarie1987
    JamMarie1987 Posts: 17 Member
    astattonhunt: That sounds fantastic! I am resuming an exercise plan and healthy eating (havent been so strict lately due to recent health issues) post op and am after something to 'help' make the exercise and eating more effective.

    Just to clarify before I see anymore posts from people stating "diet pills wont work on their own": I am not looking to use diet pills without changing my activity level and reducing caloric intake.
  • I was using a diet pill called botanical slimming that's the one i lost the most weight with and the fastest and it wasn't that expensive.
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    I take VitalMend green coffee bean extract... I only just started taking it this week though, and have lost 33lbs myself since March 27. Everyone's always ranting about green tea and such, so I figured since I hate the smell of that I would try this. Just as a possible little added boost.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You're going to get a lot non positive posts with this question...

    Oh I know that many people aren't fond of them. I fully expected to have to skim through many posts that were just pure negativity.
    By "pure negativity" you mean all the ones that say something you don't want to hear?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    Just to clarify before I see anymore posts from people stating "diet pills wont work on their own": I am not looking to use diet pills without changing my activity level and reducing caloric intake.

    Calorie deficit for weight loss and exercise for fitness. That is all.

    ETA: Diet pills don't work.
  • HoudinisBox
    HoudinisBox Posts: 9 Member
    I used to take Hydroxycut about 10 years ago. I lost about 20 lbs, but had to deal with rapid heartbeat, sweating, and tremors. One day I thought my heart was literally about to explode, so I stopped.

    After gaining all that weight back and then some, I started taking Garcinia Cambojia about 2 months ago. I've lost 20 lbs so far, and I don't have any of the nasty side effects I had with Hydroxycut. I don't work out very much (I know I should though), but I stick to my calorie limit pretty well. I couldn't tell you for sure if the GC is responsible for my weight loss or the dieting, but I'm happy and I feel good, so...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I use the red diet pills in conjunction with my deficit I lose weight like a champ.