


  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    it's all about your breathing. U are probably breathing like a swimmer and not like a runner. 2 breaths in thru your nose and 3 breaths out thru your mouth.. practice practice and just keep with the c25k program.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    c25k works! and SLOW DOWN


    I completed C25K. When I started, the week 1 runs killed me. But I stuck with it, and it worked like a champ. When I completed the 9 weeks, I was running 30 minutes straight at like 4.5 mph. That's not 5k, but it's a great start. I'm up to 4 miles or so 3 days a week now. Trust me, C25K works.
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172

    My dad is a marathoner/ultra-marathoner and has trained for his runs using this technique. I started running in April and have completed 2 races so far this year using this method. I'm convinced I couldn't have finished nearly as well if I didn't incorporate short (but brisk) walk breaks every 2 or 3 minutes. Most beginners can do really well with 1:1 (minute running, minute walking) intervals. Don't worry about your pace; if you want to "run" a mile, go as slow as you need to. Listen to your body, take your walk breaks, stay properly hydrated.

    If time becomes a concern for you, consider this: my dad ran his first marathon straight through, no walk breaks. He added walking intervals for his second marathon and cut 30 minutes off his time.

    Good luck!
  • jsmax
    jsmax Posts: 2
    I didn't follow any program really, i "wing'ed" it. started at the end of september and ran a half marathon march 16 :) then proceeded to do a bunch of 5k's and 10k's haha! but I never followed any program, I followed my body. I run about every other day or so, and cross train on opposite days, I:E: turbo fire, elliptical, yoga, hip hob abs....and my speed is improving.
    dont forget you are also starting in the middle of summer. this heat/humidity doesn't help runners at all. I have to walk a bit more and i have to hydrate alot more also. I go out with a wet head and a cool towel lmao!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Slow Down
    Then Slow down some more

    C25k is too strenuous for beginners

    Better to try

    I don't know anything about c25k, I never did that program, however, many try to go out too fast, they think they are only slow jogging but they are not, they are going faster than they need to at that stage in their training.

    I fully agree re the slow down, then slow down some more. In fact, when I first started running outdoors (used to train on my treadmill all the time) I remembered seeing that advice to somebody else on here and heeded it and it worked.

    Out of interest, when doing the c25k, how long do you have to run for without stopping during the first day? Curious.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    60 seconds the first day of C25K
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    60 seconds the first day of C25K

    Ahh right I see.

    OP you know what I would do if I were you, run for 45 secs, walk until the next bit whereby you are supposed to run. You will probably have to do two weeks of "week 1" - would it be possible to do that?
  • kns6374
    kns6374 Posts: 29
    To clarify my exercise regimen for the day, I swam for 2.5 miles, had about a 15 minute rest, then started walking. I've noticed through a little perseverance, my endurance during jogging has slowly but surely built up. We've also started stretching a bit before our walk/jog and it's helped ease the pain a bit. We're going to start swimming in the mornings, and the walking/jogging in the afternoons. We also switched to the Jeff Galloway program first, to help get our bodies use to the process of jogging. I think I might have poor form when jogging, which as has been stated, can burn through my energy quick. I've slowed down A LOT, but I still get extremely winded faster than I'd like.

    Are there any stretches specifically for beginner runners? Do they really help /that/ much?
  • kns6374
    kns6374 Posts: 29
    60 seconds the first day of C25K

    Ahh right I see.

    OP you know what I would do if I were you, run for 45 secs, walk until the next bit whereby you are supposed to run. You will probably have to do two weeks of "week 1" - would it be possible to do that?

    It's pretty much what we did at first, before switching to a less strenuous program to help get us in better shape. I couldn't keep up with the jogging for 60 seconds, walking for 120 seconds. So, we'd go for as long as I could without feeling like I was dying, then walk until I felt energized enough to jog again.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    To clarify my exercise regimen for the day, I swam for 2.5 miles, had about a 15 minute rest, then started walking. I've noticed through a little perseverance, my endurance during jogging has slowly but surely built up. We've also started stretching a bit before our walk/jog and it's helped ease the pain a bit. We're going to start swimming in the mornings, and the walking/jogging in the afternoons. We also switched to the Jeff Galloway program first, to help get our bodies use to the process of jogging. I think I might have poor form when jogging, which as has been stated, can burn through my energy quick. I've slowed down A LOT, but I still get extremely winded faster than I'd like.

    Are there any stretches specifically for beginner runners? Do they really help /that/ much?

    Personally, I never stretch beforehand - or afterwards come to think of it.

    My heartrate does tend to rise very quickly when I am running though, causing of course, breathlessness. However, I recently discovered I have exercise induced asthma so now take a spray from my asthma pump about 20 mins before I go running. I have also discovered, that if I start off running slow, I do not get half as breathless, I was just going off too fast, too soon.

    I firmly believe that as you continue running and training, you will eventually get much better and efficient in your breathing, it's just giving it time.
  • hdtracy
    hdtracy Posts: 49 Member
    I had tried C25K a while back, and only got through 10 minutes before absolutely needing to stop. Then I spent the next 4 days in agony even though I had stretched and took it easy in the running portions.
    I gave up and decided that maybe not "everyone" is made out to be a runner.
    Since then, we got a treadmill, and I've been walking on that for 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes a day. I'm a naturally sloooow walker, so a 3.1 mph walk for me was a heart pumping pace. I realized that when I had tried the program before, I'd been doing my "jogging" portions at almost a 4.0 or 4.1. That was way too fast.

    Last night, I challenged myself to see just how slow I could jog and still call it jogging. I tried C25K last night and did my walks at a 2.8 and my jogs at a 3.3, and I actually made it!

    Moral of the story: go ridiculously slow. Like, sloooooow. Just get your body used to the motion, wake up the muscles involved, it's not about being a 'runner' right now, it's just about introducing your body to what you want it to learn how to do.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I'd been doing my "jogging" portions ........way too fast.

    Moral of the story: go ridiculously slow.

    Yes. Emphasis on the "ridiculously"
    Just a shuffle-step.

    Improvements come incrementally over time.

  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I started my own program at first doing walking for 2 blocks, running for 2 blocks, etc. Then I started the C25K program and I've unfortunately been doing for almost a year and haven't completed it yet. I will get their, mine is mostly breathing. I'm stuck on week 4 now because I can't fathom doing 10 minutes straight...I think it's fear myself. It jumps from 5 minutes to 10 minutes week 4 to week 5. Other than that, I love the program because it keeps me straight. I will get there and it helps to use as the timer....I find myself getting quicker from knowing where it usually changes from run to walk, etc. Just stay on the week you're on until you're comfortable in that week. There's nothing saying you HAVE to move each week. Just take your time, you'll get there.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member