After P90X, what?

tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So those of who are P90X grads, what do you do after a whole round? I'm in week 11, have done the program pretty much exactly, and am now contemplating what to do after. I know in theory I could just start it over & never stop. But in all honesty my wife & I made this 3 month commitment and have had to sacrifice some very important things to do it every day. We're probably going to have to find something with a little less time commitment than this in order to keep it up long term.

Any suggestions of things you've found that can at least maintain what you've gained (lost?) thru P90X? Has anyone had the sad experience of losing their P90X gains? What happened?

I know I'd like to return to running in the mornings now that the hell-ish Houston heat is dieing down. But I feel I really want to keep up some sort of strength training as well?

All ideas appreciated.


  • I tried Insanity after, shorter less time consuming program and a ton of fun. You could definitely join a gym now or club that has gym and other athletic facilities (pool, basketball, etc.). After a round of P90 you are in great shape and could probably tone it down a bit and go to a more average exercise life of 3-4 days a week rather than 6+. I do recommend continue to eat healthy or it will just come back and definitely don't do nothing.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    What we've done (its only been 2 weeks) is yes begin to pick up miles running again, but taking a workout list to the gym twice-three times a week. Takes a lot less time if you just do the exercises than if you do them with Tony. I think that should help us maintain, but again it hasn't been too long so I am not sure how well it works long term. :)
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    Not a P90x grad here but will throw in my two cents. You have seen every single type of workout P90 has to offer. You have seen it multiple times and know how long it usually takes, so.....once your done, and you want to run again, design your own program! Utilize what you need from P90x, factor in your time constraints, and keep working out, go for a run, it all burns calories and now you know how to do it! Just my opinion though.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I've done 2 full rounds of p90x and just started number 3 but I won't consider myself a grad till I can do all the routines fully with similar pace and reps as the participants on the screen. I expect I will be doing this for a year and a half before that about 6 rounds.
  • What's your budget ? Look into CrossFit or something similar.
  • I highly recommend Insanity. That's what I did after I finished p90x.
  • Tony Horton's One on One workouts are excellent for P90X grads and are much shorter too. You can design your own program or make a P90X Hybrid.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'll 2nd what Superdave said above...the One on One workouts really are quite good. I did 3 rounds of P90X (well, 2 rounds of P90X and a round of P90X+) and then did Insanity. While my cardiovascular fitness was killer, I found that I really lose quite a bit of strength in the 60 days of just doing Insanity. I'll never do something again that doesn't include at least 2 days/week of strength training.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Tony Horton's One on One workouts are excellent for P90X grads and are much shorter too. You can design your own program or make a P90X Hybrid.

    Guess I'm unfamiliar with these. Are they another offering on
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes Beachbody offers the One on One's. My husband is a Beachbody coach. You can check out all of the Beachbody products @
  • Dtrmnd1
    Dtrmnd1 Posts: 72 Member
    Tony Horton's One on One workouts are excellent for P90X grads and are much shorter too. You can design your own program or make a P90X Hybrid.

    Yes this program runs about $200! But consideridering you're getting One on One with TH not so bad.
    I completed Insanity which was a good change especially if you are intense and like boot camp...LOVE it!
    If you aren't wanting to get skinny and want bulk (like my hub) you will have to add in some p90x moves (we have bowflex so hub does that in addition to Insanity alternating days).
    I am someone who is better at following a plan so I made my own plan according to what I need to work on using a few Beachbody DVD sets.

    Good luck to you!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Have completed 3 rounds of P90X and am about to start week 6 of a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I highly recommend it. You get to lift your weights AND have a MUCH more intense cardio workout with Insanity. After this round I'll be doing a P90X/Insanity "Max" hybrid.
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