Training for 10k

I started running last year with the C25k program. Completed 2 5k runs and have now started training for a 10k in October. I'm up to week 10 and have tried 2 times to complete the 5 - 10 minute runs with walk breaks in between but each time, couldn't get through the last run. As a side note, the first time I tried it, I was ready to complete it but then the pouring ran came so I just went home. I tried again yesterday and the heat and humidity made it very tough. I try to run every other day doing at least 3 - 4 miles each time. Wondering if I'll ever be ready for a 10k?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Be patient with yourself.

    Running in the heat & humidity is a pain, you need to slow down you pace a little - when I'm doing 10k or longer in really hot/humid weather I'll often slow down by as much as 1 min per mile. Don't let rain keep you from running (unless, of course, it's a thunderstorm) - it can be very refreshing, especially in the summer.

    You have until October which should give you plenty of time to be ready, the good news is that it should be a lot cooler by then so it will be more enjoyable.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    One year is a short time to work up to a 10k if you have never been a runner IMO. What is the issue that you cannot pull through on the final run? Are you out of breath, legs hurt? The only real piece of advice I could give you is to slow down while you're running. This may sound counterproductive but there is an aerobic and anaerobic threshold while running and if you have not built your aerobic endurance enough you will be using stores of energy from the muscles instead of consuming oxygen as a fuel, this will result in a much earlier fatigue while running. Great job on your progress so far and stick to it!!! Just remember slow and steady wins the race!!
  • TiredMom12
    TiredMom12 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks. Trying not to get discouraged and accept that weather has a lot to do with my 2 failed attempts. Will give it a go again on Wednesday and hope to get over this hurdle. Will run 3.5 miles today during lunch at the gym to keep up the training.
  • TiredMom12
    TiredMom12 Posts: 78 Member
    My breathing isn't an issue, it is partly mental and partly my legs just couldn't keep going. I'm sure it was the extreme humidity yesterday. I should have gone out earlier in the morning rather than 10 am. I'm going to do it at the gym on Wednesday where I have more control over how fast/slow I'm running. Thanks.
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    I'm doing 10k with zen labs. Completed the 5 k with same. Yet to hit a rough week. The increments are fab. Check it out - its free! Good luck
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Be patient. You'll get there. Slow down if it's hot out. I find running to be very mental, tell yourself you can complete that last run and you'll be able to do it.
  • cwsikes
    cwsikes Posts: 86
    If you can't make it through the whole run period, just walk! I've been running for 3 years now and I still regularly walk during my runs and I've done every distance up to 50k. I find it best to take walk breaks early on before I start cramping or feeling really tired. It keeps my heart rate under control and my legs feeling fresher. I would focus on just completing the total time or distance the program recommends and add in any walk breaks that you feel are necessary.