Drink Drank Drunk!

NineInchGirl Posts: 169
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
So what do you do when your old buddy (that you haven't seen in over 8 yrs) wants to come over and party it up "like the good old days"? Now i don't drink anymore..really. I don't mind having a drink socially but i know he'll prolly gonna bring some alcohol a long. Beer has too much calories and wine..well i have no clue when it comes to wine. And i'm scared that after a few glasses i might not wanna track or count them and feel like **** the next day..but glad i saw my old pal. So what should i do? have a killer workout tonight and enjoy the evening?

what would you do?


  • Girl, been there, done that! You have to decide what is best for you. There are beers out there now that are much lower in calories than others and the clearer the alcohol the less calories it contains due to the filtering process. MFP has them all in their database so if you do decide to partake, do the homework before hand. If you don't think you have the ability yet to stop at a certain point then to pass might be best.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • Try drinking dry wine (it's lower in calories), make a spritzer out of it by mixing it with low cal tonic or even better just carbonated water, won't get you sloshed so quick (you can appear to keep up with drinks) and you can keep the calories down :)

    Afraid I'm not so sure on the beer side of things :S
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    Drink a lot of water before he arrives and then drink Light beer- Canadian 67 has become a favourite, Vodka water always works too, but not for me.
    Bring out a vege platter to snack on or pretzel sticks
  • Vodka and diet soda is lower in cals than beer or wine...and alternate with water btween drinks :drinker:
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I think one night with two or three low-cal beers will not hurt you.... and if you have a little bit *too* much fun, you should still be okay if you stay on track otherwise. :) I say have fun!
  • Honestly, if you don't drink anymore, then why do it just because an "old buddy" wants to relive the past? Ideally, you've BOTH matured and can get together and reminisce without needed copious amounts of alcohol. Would you be asking this is you were a former smoker who's quit, but an old buddy wants to get together and smoke like the old days? Or do a few lines of coke?

    I know this sounds like I'm just being a jerk, but I'm trying to say that you shouldn't have to or even WANT to lower your current standards for even one night, just because someone else wants you to. :)

    Good luck to you!
  • Tammyblack
    Tammyblack Posts: 17 Member
    Jack Daniels and diet coke can be a winner and lower than wine - wine is about 550 cals a bottle as opposed to 56cals per JD a- try and plan what you will be eating and if you go out for dinner have a starter portion - I sometimes skip lunch or have a small sushi pack which is really low in cals - but not eating before drinking is not great advice! hope you have fun!
  • just go get smashed! you only live once ;)
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Honestly, if you don't drink anymore, then why do it just because an "old buddy" wants to relive the past? Ideally, you've BOTH matured and can get together and reminisce without needed copious amounts of alcohol. Would you be asking this is you were a former smoker who's quit, but an old buddy wants to get together and smoke like the old days? Or do a few lines of coke?

    I know this sounds like I'm just being a jerk, but I'm trying to say that you shouldn't have to or even WANT to lower your current standards for even one night, just because someone else wants you to. :)

    Good luck to you!

    I agree with Kevin. This is your NEW LIFESTYLE, not a fad. Why change for one person from your past? The person obviously is your friend, and therefore will care and understand that you have changed to become a better person.
  • Wow thank you so much guys! So many great suggestions! =) Thanks!
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Do you need to drink to have fun? Will he stop being your friend if you don't drink alcohol? I've gone out with my long-time drinking buddies and had nothing but ice water. It was actually more entertaining to watch them act drunk. Other times, I limit myself to one beer, and had no problem sticking to that...drink water, stay hydrated, and enjoy getting healthier than they are. If the party guys don't respect that....who needs them. If they are really friends, they will have just as much fun.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I am with shaunmcleod, see how it goes if you find that having a good time includes getting ripped so be it, I find that I gotta 'let' myself do what I want from time to time or I get pissed off at being restricted life is for living.....yes sensibly but way hey parties happen and I think always should ;))))
  • I'm with the don't drink peeps! I barely drink but as those who know me will tell you. I never have needed to in order to have a good time. It's never affected me partying - I still have just as much fun as everyone else ( which is why included in accidents I have had are a fractured collarbone from a bouncy castle, fractured ankle from rugby tackling my friend and many more :P ). He'll be drunk and won't remember if you're drunk or not ;) xxx
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