Why is no exercise making me lose more?

Usually I am on a calorie limit of 1350 and work out around 5 times a week. I usually do circuits or Jillian Michaels shred and some cardio/strength training at the gym. Doing this my weight loss has been very, slow and gradual. Usually around 1/2 lb every 1-2 weeks.

The last couple of weeks I have been off work on holidays and haven't exercised at all, except for walking and swimming and just normal every day activities.

Over the last couple of weeks my weight has dropped off - around 6lbs. I am stumped. I am now starting to miss my daily workouts and wanting to get back into doing my 30 day shred - but I am worried if I do that my weight loss will slow right down again.

Anyone have any idea why this happened?


  • Traceybanim
    One thing to consider is that muscle weighs more than fat. If you aren't doing the hard workouts to maintan or build muscle you will loose weight. Be careful about relying soley on your weight as a guide. I would recommend measurements such as waist, hips and abs (2 cm below the belly button) to monitor your progress.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    When you start to work out your muscles retain a lot of water while they are repairing themselves. You had already lost those 6 pounds, they just weren't showing up on the scale due to water retention.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    #1 You're picking up some extra fluid weight from fluid necessary for muscle recovery, and extra blood needed for exercising in the heat. If you stop using it for a couple of weeks your body will let go of it. (This is probably just a couple of pounds but it is a real thing.

    #2 You're possibly eating better now or you were overestimating calories burned in exercise.

    #3 Keep working out. It motivates you to eat better and it's good for you.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Another issue could be ..... are you eating your exercise calories back?

    If yes ..... then you may be overestimating calorie burns .... and eating too much

    If no .....then you may not be eating enough. Low calorie diets are subject to plateaus here and there.
  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks guys, I didn't consider the water retention thing before.

    I am not eating differently/better - just the same and I was always careful to eat back most of my exercise calories when I worked out. I will definitely not let it stop me working out - as apart from feeling physically healthier, I really find it keeps me mentally healthy. I just found it strange that as soon as I stopped my weight loss really started to increase.