Seeking fellow losers ;)

25-year-old 5'4" female here ready for change!

I have been overweight since my teen years (info in my profile), but really want to start taking better care of myself now. It has been so EASY for me to just ignore what I eat; honestly, this is my first real effort to track my intake. My boyfriend isn't much help because he's a twig :)

What holds me back is a lack of accountability, and friends to get me to the gym; doesn't help that I have been moving a lot the past few years and am in a new area yet again. Hoping that this site will help, as I can track food AND talk to people also trying to lose weight. I am trying to lose 40 pounds but get discouraged easily, especially when there are no *visible* I LOVE food (Chick-fil-a is my weakness).

It is ALL about the support system for me, and I hope to find other like-minded people so we can create a community and help each other out. Feel free to check out my profile for more info, reply, and/or friend me. If any of you live near Raleigh, NC, message me and maybe we can meet up and work out; I am definitely up for getting to know people in the area!


  • tannyy_
    tannyy_ Posts: 13
    This sounds almost like I wrote it! I have the same problems. Too bad we don't live closer to each other!!
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    25-year-old 5'4" female here ready for change!

    What holds me back is a lack of accountability, and friends to get me to the gym; doesn't help that I have been moving a lot the past few years and am in a new area yet again. Hoping that this site will help, as I can track food AND talk to people also trying to lose weight.

    I've reread your post a few times, and I don't want to read more into it than I'm tempted to. I know nothing about you other than your post and your profile.

    But, I'm wondering if a lack of accountability is really what has held you back. Accountability and food logging are tools, and nothing more. Even weight loss surgery is absolutely nothing more than a tool (an extreme tool, but a tool nonetheless.)

    Support is support; can't quibble about that.

    When my doctor said to me, "Losing weight is not a priority for you." it really made me mad, but once I calmed down, I thought about it and had to agree. I made losing weight a priority. I had been ready for a change for a long, long time, but I never made it a priority.

    The only thing I can hope to hang my hope of success on is my willing to make my health my priority.

    Does what I'm saying make sense? I'm not trying to be critical, though it may come across that way, but how we perceive things has a huge impact on our lives.

    What I look for on MFP are others who inspire me, who challenge me to push myself as I see them pushing themselves.