What is the secret to YOUR weight loss?

I have had a lot of people ask me lately "How are you losing so much weight? What is your secret"? It's not a secret, I'm not following some crazy diet or exercise routine. I eat healthy...lots of fruits and vegetables, cut out the junk food, drink lots of water and exercise 6 times per week. That's my "secret".

So I thought it would be fun to ask others, what is YOUR secret? What has helped you to shed the pounds?


  • birdsitter1
    I don't think there is any secret. I think it's pretty much what you're doing. I haven't lost that much weight so far, but my boyfriend has recently lost 30 lbs. He makes sure he doesn't eat after 9 or 10pm at night. Other than that, no secret!

    I have a friend doing some kind of supplements that she swears is making her lose weight quickly. She's also on a 500 calorie per day diet. 500 cals per day! That is why she's losing weight, not the supplements. That can't be healthy or sustainable.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
  • saeede83
    saeede83 Posts: 96 Member
    eating on deficit and being active. Simple as that
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    myfitnesspal.com (and mobile app)

    Oh, and also...

    Eat less, move more.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Eat less and healthier and do more! pretty simple! Oh and log your drinks! lol

    knew someone who said they couldn't loose weight! Told them to use this site to log their food etc. He "discovered that drinking 6 yes 6 2 liter bottles of Mountain Dew was kinda the issue! He had no idea how many calories and how much sugar he was drinking each day! lol Last I heard he was down 50 + lbs! woo hoo! ; )
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Intermittent fasting and consistency!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    My mother asked me this just the other day.. By the time I got through telling her my "secret" her eyes were rolling into the back of her head... lol. It's boring, it's not sexy, it's not a quick fix diet pill or shake or whatever. I told her I count calories, I exercise more and eat less. She said Oh... very disappointed like...

    Oh well. I feel like I do hold the secret,,, but not one anyone wants to hear.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Exercise is the only thing that does it for me. Even when I eat at a deficit I don't lose consistently. My weight bounces up and down.

    I haven't been exercising consistently for a few months due to some personal issues, but this week I did, 6 times, and I'm down 2 pounds.
    I need to just put in serious effort to be consistent.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Well my goal is fat loss, not weight loss, but my secret is lifting heavy weights to failure 5 to 6 days a week, eating proper macros, and eating at a 20% deficit from my TDEE. I eat plenty of foods people would consider to be "healthy" and I eat plenty of foods people would consider to be "junk foods" or "toxic". Eat what you want, hit your macros and calories, lift hard, the end
  • nykky503
    nykky503 Posts: 2
    The secret? Hmm?

    My personal path!

    1. Determination
    Meaning no excuses, even if I fall off of exercising regularly, I just get back to it; if I have a poor food choice, I tell myself so what and move on to the next meal or snack. I really try hard to plan/work in a bad treat. I also found low point treats (I joined WW Online in May 2013).

    2. Goals
    Being realistic is very important, as well as doing this the healthy way. I want to do everything I can to avoid gaining back any of the weight! My brithday is in November, I decided that I wanted to get under 200lbs...39 lbs in 27 weeks. Then I will work on my overall goal. But other goals are just as important...such as, I wanted to make sure that I drank half of my body weight (in ounces) every day. So if I fell short on one goal, I tell myself but look at that you accomplished this one.

    3. Don't overdo anything.
    Avoid drastically changing everything at once...incorporate new step along the way. I first started mainly drinking a lot of water and eating more fruits and veggies. Then as I was feeling confident with that I added in exercising. I use Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos. I partcuarly like the 12-min miles ones. I started with 1 or 2 miles per day, then bumped it up to 3 (36 minutes and my heart rate is up and I am sweating). And now I am adding in weight/resistance training.

    4. Know yourself
    I know for the most part that if I don't workout in the morning, I probably won't later. With working all day and being a single mom, by the time I get home, I really don't feel like it. And that goes for food too! If can't stand bananas, don't force it just because they are good for you...find a substitute.

    And, as I make my way through the lifetime journey, I'll add something new!

    Then I found MFP on July 13th. Wow! Free and it breaks things down in much more detail than WW.
  • Greygrappler
    Greygrappler Posts: 4 Member
    Losing weight is typically NOT a difficult thing to do when done right! Ive been a competitive athlete throughout my life and have taken a few "extended" (marriage, etc) absences from living an athletic life. Each time I've gained weight, gotten out of shape etc. ... and each time .. when I flipped the switch and made the conscious decision to be what I once was ... I'm there in about 6 months. It takes a CONSCIOUS decision, and that choice MUST stay at the very front of your mind for at least 3 months before it becomes habit and its not so much of a challenge but now just the way you live. Eating lean, healthy, and frequently. Balancing resistive weight training with cardio, and tailoring my diet to whatever my current goals may be, whether I need to focus on fat loss, and then later on, body refinement and adding lean muscle mass. You almost have to become anal about it , towards yourself and towards others .. but .. once it becomes a "part" of your life ... that's just the way it is, your own body loves it, and everyone around you will accept your new priorities.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    No matter what, get out of bed 3 days a week and walk (it's one block; I'm not that awesome) to the gym. I love lifting while I am there and feel great after, plus the gym isn't hanging over my head during the day. I feel less stressed during the day and feel awesome!
  • tacobella2013
    Exactly... if people would put as much thought into what they are putting in their mouths and why and start exercising without waiting for the "miracle pill/cure" for weight loss they would reveal there is NO secret just plain determination and hard work :) It pays off :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Small calorie deficit...making better overall nutritional decisions without depriving myself of the finer things in life.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Trying to be Dana Linn Baileys twin LOL
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Camp Putdowntheforka.