Where are the first and last areas you lose inches?

I feel that this thread has probably been done a million times lol, but I just thought I'd share and start my own today.
My question is, where do you generally first start to notice the weight coming off when you lose? And do any of you guys have that ONE problem area of the body that is always late to the party when everything else is shrinking?

I am a 5'7" 20 year old woman who has ALWAYS been a very obvious pear shape. Even when I was an extremely thin teenager after puberty I always had very very wide hips that I felt self conscious about. I just have wide hip bones to begin with and when I do gain weight I carry most of it in my thighs. Thighs are a huge problem area. So in the last year that i have lost 20 lbs I have noticed this order of loss for me:
-Stomach (Like 4+ inches there and the first thing to come off, no joke)
-Face (Everyone started telling me after about a month or so how different my face was)
-The actual waist and rib area right under the breast which I didn't even realize I carried fat on lol.
-My butt (I've lost around 2 inches there since I have started keeping track about 10 lbs in, so I dont know how much total I have lost there before I started measuring, but it really seems a lot)
-Arms (Another area that I put a lot of weight on when I gain, but it comes off a lot sooner than the thighs. It's still an ongoing struggle, but I have seen improvement)
-Thighs (Yes, last but not least you guessed it. I have MAYBE lost a half an inch total compared to all the dramatic inches lost off of my butt and stomach.

Also, I have not lost any size on my boobs, which I feel is a blessing as this seems to be the first place many women lose it from. Still a solid C cup! I am hoping to just bypass that shrinkage area completely! lol. :bigsmile:

I'm curious to see where you guys stand, especially the women and other pear shaped women like myself! Feel free to write your order list up as well.


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    First place I lose is my stomach. Last place is my butt.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    First place: Butt, thighs & hips.

    Last place: Waist and belly. NEVER comes off my chest for some reason. End result gets a bit Kate Upton-y.
  • mochicakes92
    mochicakes92 Posts: 48 Member
    First place: Butt, thighs & hips.

    Last place: Waist and belly. NEVER comes off my chest for some reason. End result gets a bit Kate Upton-y.
    We are so opposite lol. Wanna trade?? ;)
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    First: My stomach and back. I was pleasantly surprised at how my back looked after losing 15 or so pounds.

    Last: My arms and legs, and fortunately, my chest! My calves have always been big. Through losing weight in my stomach, it's almost like my chest is growing. xD
  • mochicakes92
    mochicakes92 Posts: 48 Member
    First: My stomach and back. I was pleasantly surprised at how my back looked after losing 15 or so pounds.

    Last: My arms and legs, and fortunately, my chest! My calves have always been big. Through losing weight in my stomach, it's almost like my chest is growing. xD
    Omg, I know this might be unrelated but i just have to say your ticker is SOOOOOO effing cute!! Pikachu! That particular pic was actually the background on my desktop for quite a long time lol
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    First place: Butt, thighs & hips.

    Last place: Waist and belly. NEVER comes off my chest for some reason. End result gets a bit Kate Upton-y.

    Me too!
  • BooBoo1264
    BooBoo1264 Posts: 164
    i seem to lose in my face and thighs first.

    last is my stomach!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    First: My stomach and back. I was pleasantly surprised at how my back looked after losing 15 or so pounds.

    Last: My arms and legs, and fortunately, my chest! My calves have always been big. Through losing weight in my stomach, it's almost like my chest is growing. xD
    Omg, I know this might be unrelated but i just have to say your ticker is SOOOOOO effing cute!! Pikachu!
    Hehe, thank you!
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Lower back and belly is hardest for me :(
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    Oddly enough I seem to lose weight in that under the boob/rib cage area first. I'm 315 lbs and I've lost 15 so far, and that is the only place I've noticed change. Well, maybe my calves but I think i'm just crazy on that one.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Belly and back are really tough for me. I lose quickly in my arms and legs.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    First: People comment on my face...probably because they're too polite to say "boobs!"
    Last: Gut/abdomen
  • DesdemonaRose
    I seem to loose weight fairly evenly, but I've noticed it a little more around my hips. My belly is my first to gain and last to lose area.
  • Hollypop725
    First: Chest/neck/upper waist? If that makes sense haha

    Last: Belly, can't get that thing to budge for the life of me
  • curly1986
    curly1986 Posts: 98 Member
    Face and bum are first... The last time I lost weight I never lost anything from my boobs, They actually appeared bigger because I had lost from around my rib cage etc. So my band size went down and my cup size went up! Hope that happens this time!! :laugh:
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    I look at myself everyday... harder for me to notice than other people.

    So thank god for measurements!!

    Waist -10 inches
    Hips - 6 inches
    Chest - 3 inches
    Thigh - 5 inches (each of course)

    Honestly.. I dont know... LOL

    I had more to lost around my waist than my hips.

    I am going with an even "burner" (EXCEPT.... my chest.. it wont go away!! Have gone from a DD to an I cup)
  • melissarae27
    Boobs are always the first to go... which is fine because there is plenty to spare. Last is my butt!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Face, waist, rear.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    First place is my back. Last is stomach and chin, apparently.