Becoming Junk Food Free

I, chelsey, the junk food addict am challenging myself to become junk food free. I'm going to start this today, 7/6/08. Nothing fried, no little 100 calorie packs, no cookies... NOTHING!

I've been pretty good about this in the past few months, but last night at work i found myself constantly munching on fried foods. yuck! now today all i want to eat is fresh fruit and some yogurt! lol.

I'm going to check in every day - if anyone else wants to join me feel free!


  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    I, chelsey, the junk food addict am challenging myself to become junk food free. I'm going to start this today, 7/6/08. Nothing fried, no little 100 calorie packs, no cookies... NOTHING!

    I've been pretty good about this in the past few months, but last night at work i found myself constantly munching on fried foods. yuck! now today all i want to eat is fresh fruit and some yogurt! lol.

    I'm going to check in every day - if anyone else wants to join me feel free!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    I am so with you!!!! This is my whole goal for MFP -- I want to eat healthier and commit to long-lasting changes in the way I see food!!!!!

    Glad to have a buddy to do it with!

  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261

    i'll definitely check in with you tomorrow!
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    i will join starting tomorrow, my brother is in town and he is a chef and I don't want to offend him plus I really love his food, however I need to detox my body. To many birthdays and events I need to jump start my body again, I do great during the week but it's the weekends when everything is scheduled such as today. So I will be checking in tomorrow!
  • ChristyMourning
    I will start today aswell! But I am mostly vegetarian now with only eating sugar free low cal jello pudding cups for snacks or breakfast because I have the lap-band and trust when I say its not an instant thing or a miracle! I'm still busting my *kitten*!
  • greeneyedgirl
    I'm in as well...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I'm not ready yet to join, but wanted to wish u luck and PLEASE keep us posted/updated
    I've been on this site since Jan and have lost 27 pounds..for the first time EVER I didn't eliminate all sweets/'junk' but allowed myself 1-2 treats or sweets per day if I did well....
    I still crave sweets/sugar.....and have found since losing the weight I've been allowing myself more 'junk' but staying within my cals and not gaining
    I want to feel better and eat better though and something wonder if eliminating sugar all together is the way to go

    Good luck, kim
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    so yesterday i did good!

    i worked last night which meant i was around greasy, nasty (however delicious) food all night. I didn't eat any of it! yay! i was hungry, however, so i munched on some peanuts.

    but, no junk went into my body yesterday. just fresh fruits, veggies, etc.

    we'll see how today goes - i'm going to the grocery store (which i feel like i do so much now that i practically live off of fresh produce) so i'll need to stay away from that! lol

    how did y'all do?
  • greeneyedgirl
    no junk food in mine either. it's a small feat lol
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Me too! Day 1 went well. Day 2 is going well, too! Whooo hooo to you!!!
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    ChristyMourning- your story inspires me! Good job on the weight loss so far!

    As for the junk food free- Im sooo in. This is my first official day on this site, and I adore it so far!
    My story is in the introduce yourself board- i can do this is the title, and im momtothreebabies.

    Im in with you guys! Lets be healthy!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    you go mom! lol - i've pretty much been good today!

    one of my snacks today was a Gnu Bar (chocolate brownie) HOWEVERRR.... i do not consider this "junk" at all because it is all natural, organic, no HFCS, with 14 grams of fiber! and it is yuuummmmy.

    let's see how tonight goes! hopefully i can find something to do to keep me out of that darn kitchen!

    good luck on the rest of the night everyone!
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    First day, and I did great no junk, and when I wanted chocolate I ate grapes!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    day 2 - how did it go everyone?

    i stayed away from the kitchen for the rest of the night! i was pretty proud of myself (because that is when i tend to eat when im not actually hungry)

    good luck on day 3!!! we can do it!
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    I did great yesterday, i was sooo surprised at myself. late last night, i was worried, i was hungry and my hubby had a big bag of peanut m&m's- why was he torturing me????? LOL. I had a bowl of cheerios with a banana instead. much more filling and healthy. im doing good so far this morning. i am really trying hard! this helps sooo much to have support!
    have a great day everyone!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    how are we doing on day 3?

    I've done well! My snacks today consisted of: grapes, vanilla yogurt with frozen mixed berries (nom nom nom), and some raisins.

    i've eaten really balanced foods and it feels like it's getting easier every day! YAY!

    however, anyone else who is with me on this; do you find it is harder and harder to meet your calories every day? my goodness - i think i will burst if i eat anything else today!!!!
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Yes. I do find it harder to meet my calories. I am really spending time planning meals (so I am especially grateful for your Southwestern Salad recipe).

    I am finding that I have to include more protein than I'm accustomed to eating. So I'm stocked up on almonds and sesame seeds and pistachios. I have some deli turkey that I pre-measured into 3 oz ziplocks. I scooped some nutella onto apple wedges.

    One thing that helps me avoid junk food is making sure that I have quick, easy alternatives ready to go. This is where I have faltered before. So, now, I have the nuts and the deli meat. I also keep those itty bitty raisin boxes in my purse. I have baby carrots and grapes washed and ready to go in the fridge. Wedges of cucumbers taste great with a little hummus.

    I'm certainly open to any suggestions that you've used to help overcome any cravings for the old junk!

    I'm trying (really hard) to minimize my excuses. Sigh.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    I'm trying (really hard) to minimize my excuses. Sigh.

    aren't we all? haha... i need to go buy some more almonds; i just finished a jar last week and have found myself today scooping a few tbsp. of peanut butter onto a spoon just to meet those calories! but mmmm i gotta love that pb! i must go through about a jar a week! nom nom nom.

    and you're welcome for that salad... it was seriously so delicious! haha

    i'm going to be trying a black bean wrap in a few days - so i'll let you know how it goes!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    just wanted to bump this to see how everyone did yesterday!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    day 4: i was sooo hungry today! it was absolutely ridiculous. tomorrow i need to frontload my calories a little more and add protein to each meal!

    i did really well on all my meals...

    breakfast: oatmeal with bananas and peanut butter (my absolute fav) and coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond breeze

    lunch: turkey and veggies on a whole grain wrap with some baby carrots and green peppers dipped in hummus

    dinner: portabella mushroom sandwich marinated in trader joe's sesame soy ginger dressing topped with grilled onions and peppers, and a side of steamed baby carrots

    snacks: grapes, apple, raisins.. and although i wanted to, i couldn't resist the bowl of cereal tonight. they were those all bran yogurt bites from kellogs and packed with nutrients and fiber so i don't feel bad about it.

    any suggestions on how to add more protein to my new plan?

    how did everyone else do?