A Southern Family Reunion

My family is having a reunion in 3 weeks and I know that it will be southern style with lots of comfort food, BBQ, and desserts for days. I have only been on MFP for a few days and I have been doing really well. However I feel like at my family reunion I am going to go over my calories. I know my family has different recipes and they don't measure the ingredients when they cook, they just do it. I know that I have to eat small portions and drink water I just feel like because I don't know all of the ingredients in every dish even if I eat small portions I'll still be over my allowed calories. Plus I don't want to be rude and not eat my family's food. Any suggestions as to what I should do?


  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Just eat in moderation. Try to have smaller portions and maybe squeeze in some walking if you can.

    I'm sure the food is amazing and you dont want to offend anyone by not eating it, nor would you want to NOT eat it! :wink:

    Life happens. Since I started I have had a few lunches and nights out ( which I rarely do ) and I've managed to stay within my calories by eating and drinking in smaller amounts.

    Have a great time! x
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    I totally get this. I am southern and I know how well southerners love to celebrate any and everything with delicious/not so good for you foods. Just eat in moderation and don't have one of everything (especially the desserts!) try to enjoy yourself and don't go crazy with all the good food. You can do it!
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Eat in moderation, and save calories for your favorites; don't waste calories on foods you can do without. Make time for exercise and, above all else, enjoy the time with your family; they won't always be with you.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    When you talk about eating in small amounts or moderation, try picturing what a small portion is to you. I love potlucks and buffets, but I know I can't eat more than 2 cups total. So I portion things out by tablespoons. A tablespoon of mac and cheese, two ounces of meat, that way I can try most eveything and not feel deprived. I'm not a dessert eater, but I find I want some now and then, so two spoon fuls is enough (and their not heaping either). You have to fill your plate and then sit down, so use your control when portioning them out. Then think about it, do you want your family seeing you go for plate after plate? Sit down and enjoy, savor, don't think about anything else when eating. Take deep breathes in between each bite. Enjoy.
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Eat, a day wont kill you so dont sweat it. In order to gain a lb you have to eat 3500 cals over your tdee and i will say thats pretty hard to do. Being a southerner myself i indulge in my families cooking from time to time and its great to take a break from dieting or watching what i eat. If you are really worried about it just do some light cardio earlier in the day
  • Taylor_G2014
    Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your advice!!!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    can i come? :)
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    can i come? :)

    ^^This :happy:

    Just reinforcing what everyone is saying... It's just for a few days... You'll hop right back on track. Enjoy your family! Enjoy the food! Also think of it as practice for the fast approaching holidays (Enjoy the day (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.), then back on track). We'll have a lifetime of occasions to celebrate ahead of us, let's learn how to enjoy them now without the guilt by knowing we can get back to our "routine" with no problem. :happy:
  • allidarku
    allidarku Posts: 1
    I like ser's advice. I've found that having having a day over my normal calories actually seems to help my weight loss efforts. The key is keeping it to one day....
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Eat the food and bring a football.