Weak-willed wine lover with chocoholic tendencies.

I've been trying to lose weight on and off for years now. I've just been told I need to lose weight and cut down on my sugar intake or I'll have diabetes in a year, two at the most. I have just done my food diary and I'm eating twice as much sugar as I should be.

I'm aiming to lose 2lb a week. Idealy I should have lost 80lbs by 21st April 2014. Yes I worked it out. I'm that sort of person! :smile:
(I've also done a graph with fortnightly dates on the x-axis and weight loss on the y-axis)

Any ideas about keeping motivated would be much appreciated.



  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    Hi!! I love your thread title.. I am the same :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some support! I wish I could lose 2lb a week but my body wont co-operate.. I am losing closer to 1lb.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Hello, fellow chocolate lover. Allow me to introduce you to good quality, dark chocolate (no, not Hershey's). It is much lower in sugar, and it takes less to satisfy. Go for 75% cacao and over. It is great!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    well, not getting diabetes would be pretty good motivation for me. i don't know what else you need, but i have found that signing up for a race in 6-8 months is really good motivation for myself and others.

    i doubt you will continuously lose 2lbs per week. Having a goal to lose 80 pounds by April of next year is great, but all the rest is putting the cart in front of the horse. waaaay in front of the horse. you are a woman in her 50's. your metabolism is different. you might lose quickly and then stall. if i were you, i'd change my goals to 1lb per week. having a big calorie restriction like 2lbs per week can be tough in the beginning.

    if you quit sugar cold turkey, it might cause some withdrawals. sure, you'll probably be okay for a few days, but one day you'll binge and overload on sugar and hate yourself the moment its done. i've seen many threads about it. figure out where this sugar is all coming from. but yet, some people have more willpower then others, and can completely knock something out of their lives.

    chocolate can be good for you. a few pieces of dark chocolate has anti-oxidants that has great health benefits. red wine too.

    are you getting lots of sugar from soda? buy the small cans from the store, but keep them in the cupboard, so they stay warm, and less appetizing to drink. so then, when you want a soda, you have to put it in the fridge to wait for it to get cold.
  • Afrobehn
    Afrobehn Posts: 4
    Hello, fellow chocolate lover. Allow me to introduce you to good quality, dark chocolate (no, not Hershey's). It is much lower in sugar, and it takes less to satisfy. Go for 75% cacao and over. It is great!

    If I buy milk chocolate I tend to eat the whole bar. But with something like dark chocolate & chilli a few squares is enough. You may have just solved my 'how can I live without chocloate' dilemna. :happy:
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I find that when I put time frames on my weight loss, it falls into a heap (that's just me).

    Good luck with it all & step away from the wine & choccies :smile:
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I could have written that. I lost weight while consuming alcohol AND chocolate; very much in moderation. A little too much of it lately (Looking to get 10-15 more pounds off) but tapering back to one day a week.

    As far as motivation, all I can say is you just have to fake it til you make it. My motivation comes and goes; but I've never let myself STOP working out for more than a short period of time (7 days of vacation, etc.) and I try not to let myself get outside of a five pound weight range I've set so things don't get out of control.

    Many, many times I've gone to the gym with a severely grumpy attitude and left feeling great because I had an awesome workout. Its cheesy but its true - you won't ever regret showing up and doing it.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Ok, so you know they actually make a chocolate wine?? Oh man, it's my weakness! :)
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    not into chocolate but love my wine... ;-) I'll send you a FR
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I usually have one square of dark chocolate a night along with 2 to 3 ounces of red wine... I don't think dieting you need to completly get rid of the things you love because before you know it your weight fluctuates like a rollercoaster. Drinking lots of water has cut down on my crazy cravings I used to have. I think I was dehydrated... just an idea to drink 8 ounces before you chew! Good luck!
  • spagent316
    spagent316 Posts: 3 Member
    Love your topic title! I am def a wine lover not so much chocolate . I drink a glass of wine every night and still lose weight. My two fav people to exercise with are shaun t and jillian. I love to bring it!