How does anyone deal with shorts and swimwear?



  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    Swimsuits with lots of ruching...Spanks makes a good one. It camouflages problem areas if you feel the need to wear a one piece.... I wear a bikini top or tankini top and then I top it with booty yoga shorts from Victoria secret. They are comfortable and tight so they don't balloon up in the water. Plus, they cover my stretch marks on my thighs. Just enjoy the swimming cause it's great calorie burn to tread some water... plus lots of fun! No one is worried about what you look like. They're too worried about themselves.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I was going to suggest a spray tan as well. At the risk of sounding shallow (and like that dreadful Kardashian commercial), I always feel better in minimal clothing if I have a little color. Also, if you can find a bathing suit with a some ruching detail in the middle, it really helps create a nice shape. Above all, enjoy your vacation and to hell with everyone else :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Tiered/layered tops (as shown below) are great for covering stomach issues, not sure about the leg problems, though.,+scoop+moderate,+necklace

  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Another thought for looking a little healthier than pasty white are the tanning moisturizers--Olay, Jergens and many more. You just put them on everyday for a week and you have a little glow. I buy the ones for Light to Medium--because I'm pasty white as well. They don't go orange or too dark for me.

    Btw, you ARE lovely! Get some shorts, buy a bathing suit, go and have fun! If anyone has a problem with your weight, you know which finger to suddenly get a cramp in. Mine usually just pops straight up when I get a cramp. Just can't get the darned thing to bend back into place with the rest of my fingers. :wink:
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Totally feel you. I'd wear some surf shorts, and I always found that linen trousers/ 3/4 lengths were good for the jungle as they covered you so you didn't get bit. But loose enough so you didn't feel like you were suffocating. I'd recommend a couple of sessions in a tanning salon, as it will help prepare your skin for the rays, not too many though. I'd focus on practicality for clothing rather than apperance as well, try to go for a capsule wardrobe type thing. For the beach I just wore an oversized t-shirt, as it was easy to shove on and not worry about getting burnt.

    Focus on having a great time.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member

    People with no self respect make me sad.

    Honestly if you are as thin and young as you are and have to fish for complements and deprecate yourself, then nothing you buy will make you feel at all better.

    Just sayin.

    Except that jellybaby is older than you, elvesnow, LOL

    I can relate to what jellybaby is saying because I felt terribly fat at 155, then worse at 172 and I used to wish the earth would open up and swallow me when I weighed 185. I would gladly take any of those weights now, so I am doing my best to accept myself as I am as I work my way down from my current weight. No amount of preaching or scolding is going to help anyone feel better about themselves.

    "Happiness is an inside job" :-)
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    You have a lot of great clothing suggestions here... board shorts, TJMaxx is a great spot for shopping, suits with tummy ruffles, tanning, etc..

    I think you really need to focus on having fun. Remember that everyone else at the beach is there to have fun also and they are not staring at you. My daughter plays water polo and I see girls of all shapes and sizes walk PROUDLY around in swim suits... I wish more women were like that. I know it takes time to get that athletic confidence, but we all had it at one point in our lives. Maybe watch the kids you teach and copy their crazy confidence.... good luck!
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Girl you are not fat!!!
  • hopetobeslimsoon
    Personally, I would go with capri length lycra tights and a cute summery tunic...great with sandals, and super comfy. Also, they dry really fast if you need to wash them out at night.. Also, they give tummy and leg support so you do not feel so jiggley after a big weight loss.

  • lostemt
    lostemt Posts: 152 Member
    Even though I go to a public pool that everyone know me. I still can't swim with out board shorts. There are some really nice places online that do sell board shorts. Best of luck to you
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Another thought for looking a little healthier than pasty white are the tanning moisturizers--Olay, Jergens and many more. You just put them on everyday for a week and you have a little glow. I buy the ones for Light to Medium--because I'm pasty white as well. They don't go orange or too dark for me.

    Btw, you ARE lovely! Get some shorts, buy a bathing suit, go and have fun! If anyone has a problem with your weight, you know which finger to suddenly get a cramp in. Mine usually just pops straight up when I get a cramp. Just can't get the darned thing to bend back into place with the rest of my fingers. :wink:

    Lol, love this advice...but if your profile pic is you, you got nothing to worry about, wear whatever you want, and if your anything like me....try a 2 piece (doesn't have to be a string bikini), I find one pieces or "covering tankinis" actually seem to make my tummy bulge worse and more on display then wearing a bikini. Then get some longer boardshorts or even running shorts/capris if your legs are problem areas.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    Oh, lord, girl. I thought like you when I was as young and cute as you are too. I wish I had appreciated myself then. but I know we seldom see ourselves objectively and that's just how it is.
    So look for some lightweight capris length pants. Just below the knee. A tie or an edge trim is flattering because it draws the eye down. You'll be comfortable and hopefully feel as cute as you are!
    Magdaloonie has nailed it right on the head right in the middle! I look back and think "I was hot! How come I didn't know it!!" I have never felt adequate (body wise) and regret it.

    Enjoy your life, that's what it is for! You look great!!
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member

    funny thing is I can look back at myself at 18 and think exactly that - I was thin, what was I worrying about!

    Thank you so much for all the advice, I've got a lot of looks to try out.

    And to everyone who has said (nicely or otherwise!) that I don't need to worry because of my picture - well, it's a good and carefully chosen picture or else it wouldn't be up there! No, I'm not all that fat but I do have big legs and wobbly upper arms. I have a very average body I suppose and the average woman isn't exactly happy with their body are they! So I'm sorry if it looked like I was fishing for anything but as someone who, very objectively, is probably around the middle of both the age and weight ranges of this website, I didn't think I needed to be concerned about being told I was either too young or too thin to need to worry!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Your problem is not the clothes. Your problem is you are being hypercritical of your body. Stop it! You are fine. Wear shorts. Wear what's appropriate to what you're doing. No one has a perfect body....and no one but you is being so obsessive about yours! Get out there, put on a swimsuit...and have a fabulous time!