New to this!! Need sum help!!

I started yesterday on this plan and I have a goal as to how many calories i need to intake a day like everyone else. I have been working out for a month and has lost 10lbs. Since starting this yesterday, I am having a hard time meeting my calorie goal. I feel like I am eating and eating and eating and not reaching it. I'm working out everyday and trying to continue eating healthy food but the healthy food is not having enough calories. Help!!!!


  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    1+1 = 2... I hope this is sum help!
  • Jametria26
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hi and good luck with MFP... for dense calories try peanut butter or nuts... NUTS are fabulous nutrients and calorie dense... good luck!
  • Diabetic42
    Diabetic42 Posts: 14
    Go to settings. Forgot what it is called, but you will see it. You put in your weight now and the weight you want to get to. Then it will put it in for you.