Workout Routine for losing inches?

So I started using myfitnesspal about 4 months ago and have lost down from 263lbs to 220lbs and changed a pants size but although my weight is steadily dropping my body shape has not changed very much I wasn't doing anything but easy at home workouts to start and recently got a gym membership and have been doing about 15minutes of the stair climber 15 minutes of the elliptical all with the resistance bumped up high as well as leg presses and lat pulldowns I am a beginner I'm 23 was not always overweight just made bad eating choices and really put on alot of weight in a couple of years and I want to be doing the best exercises. PEOPLE SAY LIFT HEAVY on here and I don't know what that means could someone give me and idea of if this routine 5days a week is good if not what exercise would be better and how to do them. THANKS in Advance !!!!! <3 amanda


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Since you have a gym membership, you can always ask one of the trainers to show you around and ask them how to use the machines. You can also look up new rules of lifting for women or stronglifts for more ideas.
  • Thank you for the reply !
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Do a forum search for stronglifts should find lots of info. I started with New Rules of Lifting for Women, and it's a good program. But, in stage 4 I started getting bored and felt pretty confident doing stuff on my own without a book, so switched to 5x5. But, if you're totally new I'd probably recommend NROLFW so that you have some guidance before going it on your own.
  • I'm going to check the new rules of lifting for women out thank you guys
  • if anyone wants to give me a simple routine idea it would also be much appreciated
  • BUMP ***
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    if anyone wants to give me a simple routine idea it would also be much appreciated

    Workout A (5 sets, 5 reps):

    Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift

    Workout B (5 sets, 5 reps):

    Squat, Overhead Press, Bent over Row.

    Alternate workouts: A...B...A...B. Work out 3-4 days a week. Add weight. Lift as much as you can.