
Hi All,

I was looking for a "free" calorie counter for my iPad and found this site. We'll give this a whirl and see if entering the data helps me to control how much food I put in my mouth.

I'm looking to loose 100 pounds. No one can believe it, most of all me. How do you add 100 extra pounds? Well, I know it will be harder to get them off than it was to get them on!

Wish me luck!


  • sdscouser
    HI there and welcome to a great place.

    Good luck on your journey towards your weight loss.
  • immortala

    I joined two days ago after finding the app on my android, I'm already addicted and I've got my fingers crossed it will work.
    Good luck with your weightloss x
  • gill0408
    gill0408 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP. It's a really good site, I've tried other sites but this one seems to the most friendly.

    Good Luck

  • cezz
    cezz Posts: 6
    It is along the same lines that I am here... This site is amazing especially considering its price...