Fat Burning supplements: Are they worth the money?

stevepound Posts: 28 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Ive been doing well on my weight loss journey. I was in Holland and Barratt yesterday and saw quite a few supplements that claim to accelerate the fat burning process, and in turn accelerate the weight loss process. Some products I saw were like hydroxicut etc.

At the moment I am taking berocca multivitamins and seven seas cod liver oil with my diet, taking regular excercise, and am doing quite well.

So are these supplements really worth the money? Are they really going to speed up my fat burning process any quicker?


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427

    I bought some PHD Lean Degree, sorry no change at all, a waste of money.

    As someone on here once said "I didn't take pills to get fat, why would taking pills make me skinny"

    Eat well and exercise. it's the only way
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'm not going to say if they work or not. I say your mind is a powerfull tool so if you belive they work then they will work.

    Read the ingredients stuff like hydroxicut are caffee pills, I like to get my caffee from my morining coffee.

    I have found the best way to speed up fat burning is eating small meals 6 to 8 a day along with a protien shake 3 to 4 a day

    I have spent lots of money hoping pills would work only to fine out it was all the hard work that paid off not the pill.

    Stay health Bro
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I have had a few supplements that have worked for me, but I wouldn't take them again. It's just not worth the health risk.
  • stevepound
    stevepound Posts: 28 Member
    Ok cool. It seems to be a Univeral 'NO'. Im glad I havn't bought anything like that then. As I said I have been feeling great with my new lifestyle change of healthy eating and excercise, so I'll be sticking with that only! Thanks people!
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    If anything that you buy over the counter worked, it would be bought out by a drug company. Drug companies spend millions of dollars each year trying to find a weight loss drug. The latest offering was not approved by the FDA. There are a couple of others in the works.

    If anyone loses weight while taking a supplement, it is because of the diet they are following while taking the supplement. Save you money.

    There are some prescription medications that do work. I took Bontril (an amphetamine) for several months and lost loads of weight. I also had an abnormal EKG. Luckily, I had no permanent heart damage.
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    Fat loss pills are...not...going...to...assist...in....fat loss. There are thermogenics that speed up your heart, raising the body temp, and some of those have been proven to burn a few extra calories while remaining stationary. When I'm on a regular diet, following my usual training regimen, however, I do use them. They do have a great amount of caffeine in them, and other stimulants that will literally fuel your workouts. Look in to arson, it's a great booster. Don't fall in to the hype about using them to loss fat, don't fall to the pictures you see in muscular development every month, they're airbrushed, sorry. There's a great documentary about steroids that details all of this in it. Bottom line, be careful with them, some are pretty potent, and don't fall for the crap on the shelves. Do your research, as with any supplement out there. Start with half a dose. They won't move the scale by themselves, but they'll help move you around in the gym. I'm with blakejohn, won't say yes or no. You have to try them if you need some gitty up go in the gym, but don't think for one minute they'll help on their own.
  • No, they make someone a lot of money but not us!!! Burning more than you consume is a better way to rid yourself of fat stores!
    Have fun.
  • stevepound
    stevepound Posts: 28 Member
    Yes that would make sense in the fact if they did aid fat loss, the drugs companies would buy them out. I can see the thermogenic basis behind them. Although I do get a fair bit of caffene throughout the day from cofee and tea, as well as the stimulants that are in my multivitamins, which must be helping to fuel my body?
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    On my heavy lifting days, we all meet up at McDonalds and load up on coffee, and before a meet we do the same thing. We've even experimented with some home brew triple strength coffee before training. Most of the multivitamins I've come across didn't have any stims in them, but they're out there, so could be.
  • They are just caffeine...... I would say drink a large cup of good coffee :drinker:
  • I've looked at some of these supplements and bought one that was made from some South American root or something like that. I think I used it for a week but as a healthcare worker, I began to wonder about how it might affect my liver so I stopped using it. Unless something has a long term track record, you just don't know what the long term consequences can be from using some of these supplements. I have tried different diets and such but the only diet that has actually worked is to eat less and exercise more. Watching what I eat and working out has not only helped me to lose weight, it has become my new way of life. So my weight loss is natural and not from a bottle. I do not recommend any supplements other than multi-vitamins. Your liver might appreciate it in the long run. Weight loss from a bottle is not the kind of life-change that people need. Liposuction is not either. What works is what so many people here are attesting to.... eating less and exercising more. It's natural and safe.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    ug, I should have saved the last post I made on fat burners. Here's the short version; after quite a bit of research (I haven't used anything yet) on bodybuilding sites I found the one thing that is universally accepted as a "fat burner" that actually works is something called an E/C stack, aka ECA stack. You can look into it if you want, there's plenty of info on the web, and it's not illegal to take, though some people are freaked out by possible health concerns.

    In the end, it works mostly by appetite supression, so if the MFP program is working for you, there's no reason at all to waste your time.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    They are just caffeine...... I would say drink a large cup of good coffee :drinker:

    So what a good cup of coffee? on the ship we can only get maxwell house and it's like sewer water
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    ug, I should have saved the last post I made on fat burners. Here's the short version; after quite a bit of research (I haven't used anything yet) on bodybuilding sites I found the one thing that is universally accepted as a "fat burner" that actually works is something called an E/C stack, aka ECA stack. You can look into it if you want, there's plenty of info on the web, and it's not illegal to take, though some people are freaked out by possible health concerns.

    In the end, it works mostly by appetite supression, so if the MFP program is working for you, there's no reason at all to waste your time.

    I took this and it did nothing. Hydroxycut has worked for me, and of course good ol ephedra worked wonders before it was taken off the market. I guess supplememnts effect people in different ways.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Personally ephedra works for me. I stack it with 200mg of caffeine. I cycle on and off and during my off cycle, my weight loss slows (no change in exercise or diet).
    Epherda got a bad name because people were taking it incorrectly. American society...if one works...3 will work better.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm not going to say that they work, all I'm going to say is that I have been taking Mega-T Green Tea Fat Burning Supplement and it is the first time in a very long time that I have been able to stick to a diet. It may just be a crutch, but it isn't very expensive and it seems to help me control my ravenous appetite.

    I'm just sayin'.
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