Can someone PLEASE help me??

Hello! Nice to meet everyone! My name is Nina! :flowerforyou:

Alrighty, I'll start off with my goal: My goal is to lower my Body fat % to around 13-15% To achieve more definition.
YES I do put in the muscle work at the gym.
NO I don't have a eating disorder.
NO I don't think I'm currently fat.

I just want to push my body to see what I can do. (DLB is my idol)

Okay here's my stats:

Height: 5'6
Weight: 138lbs
Sex: Female
Age: (almost) 21

Metabolic rate without exercise: 1456 cal
Metabolic rate WITH exercise: 2258 cal

LBM (Lean Body Mass): about 109lb muscle, with 29lb fat
Current Body fat percent: about 22.5%

Okay here's the problem, I'm not too sure on how many calories to eat. (I don't need tips on WHAT to eat, I know exactly what to eat, I just don't know how much)

I'm currently doing a 1200cal diet with moderate exercise (sometimes very active and beyond hardcore with the strength training). When eating 1200 cal I feel fine and satisfied and I feel as though I'm seeing more results but not as fast as I would have thought? I guess you could say. I've been doing it for a week now. Am I just being impatient? And/or should I throw a high calorie day in there so my body doesn't get used to it or what?


  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    You are stats are exactly the same except I'm older. Your goal body fat is way too low! Professional female athlets have between 14-20% body fat and you want to reduce yours to just essential 13% ??
    Get serious, girl. When my weight dropped rapidly I've lost my period and that scared the **** out of me. Now I'm going slowly and with good ol' common sense.
  • Nininina24
    Nininina24 Posts: 29
    Well, Okay maybe not THAT low. But it is realistic.. I know I'm not some professional figure model. But there are several out there with BFP's of 13-15% for goodness sakes DLB's is 10%!! And she's healthy as hell!! and I am serious... Why set a low goal? So when you reach it you what? Have nothing else to try for? Why NOT set it higher to something that's damn near impossible so that you ALWAYS have something to shoot for? You see why I made that my goal now?
  • I would actually recommend higher calories all round. I tried 1200-1400 and doing similar to you and ended up not fueling my workouts properly, muscles couldn't repair and I wasn't losing any fat.

    I am 5' 4" and 139 lbs, I workout 5 times a week, 4 being weight training and 1 cardio session.
    I am 22 years old.
    I generally eat 6 meals a day comprising of high protein, with grains, eggs and vegetables, some fruit. I also take a protein shake a day.

    My calories usually add up to about 2150. If i don't work out I shoot a tiny bit lower, like maybe 1900. But doing this I AM LOSING!

    Give it a go, try the Scooby calorie calculators for gaining muscle, or just losing fat. Try a 10% cut and that should do it for you.

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    If you're burning 2300 in a day, and consuming 1200, you are not eating enough.

    With as little fat as you have, unfortunately, you have to have a somewhat more narrow deficit over a longer period of time. If you cut too much, you will lose your lean body mass as well as your fat and you will still not get the defined look you're seeking - you'll just wither away.

    So try 1900 cal for six weeks and at the end, check your weight, measurements, and bf %.

    You don't mention - but I can't assume - about strength training. For your goals in particular, strength training is a must. You cannot cardio your way to definition.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    IMO 13% is too low, and not sustainable - professional fitness models dont stay at their competition BF% all year round. pluu if you want kids, staying at such a low bodyfat could affect your hormones.

    you need to eat WAY more... workout your TDEE then take off 10%, and be VERY patient... i am not surprised you havent seen results in a week!!!!