anyone eating 2000 calories a day, still losing?

Hi I used to eat 1600 a day but I workout 5 days a week minimum and been told thats too low. So with tdee -20% it comes to 2200 ish for me. Just a bit worried im guna gain as my weight loss was slow even with 1600 a day? I want to lose a minimum of 2ibs a week... I know you cant always get that but I have 28 ibs to lose and im impatient haha


  • shed50kg
    shed50kg Posts: 69 Member
    I eat more than 2000 calories and lose weight but I started at 320 lbs.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I eat a base of 2000 calories a day plus an extra 600 to 1200 a day for exercise (putting me in the neighborhood of 2800 for TDEE-15%), and I'm down 3% body fat in the last month and a half. My weight, however, is up, but so what? As long as body fat is dropping, the scale is irrelevant. The closer you get to your healthy weight, the harder it is to keep cutting fat. I stalled out at 23% body fat for six months, then lowered my expected loss to 1 lbs/week and started losing fat again. Patience is a virtue.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Well im 15.12 stone and weight is also a little important to me. I shouldnt be 15 stone at 5 ft 7 thats obese. I like to see my weight drop alsom I know many dont mind as long as bf% is lowering but I just like knowing im going down on scales also
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    15 stone at 5'-7" may or may not be obese. I have a friend who is 5'-8" and weighs 230 lbs (16.4 stone), but he is a serious lifter, so his body fat is at 17%. He is by no means obese, he just has a lot of muscle. I'm not saying that's the case for you, I'm just illustrating the point that body fat is a better indicator of your health than weight. I'm 6'-1" and 195 lbs (13.9 stone), which is technically overweight by BMI, but by body fat, I'm fit. Try not to sweat the scale too much.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with 28lbs to lose you need to be slightly more realistic - 1lb per week is a good rate of loss.

    if you weigh and measure accurately then TDEE -20% WILL work!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    When I started this I was 15st 13.5lbs and at 5"7 for me it was obese. I kind of did a 'crash' diet as people have called it but it worked for me. However since hitting my goal weight I have upped my calories to around 2100 and when I work out it tends to be up around 2500 and I've lost a couple of lbs without really trying to.

    If you have the right balance then yes it is possible.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok guys. Thank you for the comments. My only problem is I dont have a scale that will read bf%. So I may need to purchase one. Not keen on spending silly amounts though
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    A tape measure and some online calculators will give you a relatively accurate bf count for extremely cheap. The link below will walk you through how to calculate bf with a tape measure.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    I went to a local store and paid 70p to use the proper scales and machine. So my bf% id infact 29% so should I stil go for 2000 calories a day??
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    I eat 2,000 cals a day and have lost 3.5 lbs in 3 weeks, but I'm 260 lbs and 5'8" working out 3 times a week for 1 hour (Crossfit).