*Newbie* 1200 too low?

Hi all!

Just got this app roughly three days ago (so yes I know not much to go off so far but I think it'll be better if I get things straight first time around!)

So I am 22years old, 165cm weighing in at 59.8kg. I've just we started working out 6 times a week (2x HIIT, 1x LIIT & 3 weight training days)
I use to weigh roughly 85kg about three year ago and since hitting this weight of 58-60kg I cannot budge!!!!

My ultimate goal is to become toned/lean with a low body fat count (I'm not 100% sure what my current body fat is but I can guesstimate that I would like to lose at least another 5-6%)
As fast as possible would be nice aswell seeing that summer is coming up in just a few months!

I have set up MFP to suit my macro ratio (40/30/30) but when I entered in my height & weight and guesstimating that I wanted to lose 5kg MFP gave me the calorie ratio of 1200. Is this too little for the goals I am aiming for?

I'm probably missing stuff, but it's so awkward to type a post on my iPhone.
My point is if you have any suggestions, tips, anything! I'm all ears!!

Thanks all


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Remember you are supposed to log exercise and eat the extra calories - so 1200 will become 1600 if you exercise off 400.

    If you don't like 1200, set a lower weekly loss rate. As you used custom goals for your macros just dial in a custom calorie number if you want more than 1200.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    It's amazing once you start tracking your food, how fast you realize how much you overeat. 1200 isn't that hard to do. you train yourself to do it.
  • @OP you TDEE is around 2300, I would cut around 2000 running a 50/30/20 splitt, 1200 is actually 200 cals lower than your BMR which is what you spend just sleeping all day. I would enter my own values and not use the custom made ones

  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    If I were female id eat atleast 1600-2200cals a day and LIFT .

    1200 is bare minimum
  • ChloeEliizabeth
    ChloeEliizabeth Posts: 20 Member
    If you're doing exercise you should be eating more. So like, 1200 would be what you'd eat if you just sat and watched TV all day! If you burned (for example) 600kcal doing exercise, then you'd be eating 1800kcal.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you only want to lose 5kg, so set your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs per week... that should give you more cals.
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    try 1200 for a month and see how you get on. I've got about the same to lose as you and am eating 1500 cals per day but burning off 300, so in effect, am eating 1200. Seeing a 2lb a week loss so far.
  • oxlisaxo91
    oxlisaxo91 Posts: 67 Member
    Some days, especially days I work (aka my Monday log) I comfortably hit 1200 and didn't find myself hungry or anything even after i worked out and burnt off those extra calories. But my day off yesterday (also my leg day) I found I hit 1200 way too fast and was still incredibly hungry which is why I ate over.

    I think I might try to up my calories to 1400-1500 since 1200 does seem to be the bare minimum, I changed my goal weight loss to 0.5 a week and it only uped my calorie goal to 1290 so I'm still a little confused to why but I'll just manually enter what I want :)

    Thanks all for your help!!