Craving Peanutbutter??

Every morning as of the past 2-3days i wake up craving peanut butter the past week or two i've be slightly craving it.... now, i really like peanut butter but i never really ate it often at all. so, like i said, past 3 days or so, i wake up and im like OMG. PEANUT BUTTER. so A) I have pb&j for breakfast or B) I have pb&j for lunch. now im not worried about cals or anything :) i know pb is healthy as long as no hydrogenated oils, and my jelly is pure fruit. so thats not the concern its just..WHY?? why do i wake up and want to put my face in the pb jar? i was supposed to get my period a day ago. going on 2 days now. no signs at all. idk if that has anything to do with it. my periods are alway weird anyways. anywhere from 35+++ day cycles. i have ovarian/fallopian cysts, etc. ANYWAYS, wth?? Anyone else have this? not eating enough protein? Just a sweet craving? Not so bad right?


  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    I get it too. No clue why. So I just have a little on toast and satisfy the urge.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    It could be you body craving more protein or iron. Have you checked your iron recently? I know it was low before..:glasses:
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    I get it too. No clue why. So I just have a little on toast and satisfy the urge.

    THANK God I'm not the only one. every morning its practially a ritual. i cant make it stop. atleast im not craving like cookies or something. but its like overwhelming. i probably dream about peanutbutter but i never over indulge or anything. i measure it out. spread on bread. eat. and perfectly content the rest of the day. its heaven i tell yaa.
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    It could be you body craving more protein or iron. Have you checked your iron recently? I know it was low before..:glasses:

    i prob dont get enough protein i guess. meat is best source of protein right? i barely get any. i love chicken,etc. but...rarely ever do i get a nice big piece of meat (sounds inapropriate) but i kid you not. :/ i dont cook, my mom or grandma usually does. iron im good on :) take my vitamin everyday. my anemia has still be bothering me though. i was fine for 1st week i took pill now i feel like its back how it was.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    i get more than enough protein a day and i still find myself wanting peanut butter all the time.. who knows. but as you said its healthy enough hah
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm a PB-aholic. I crave it everyday. I eat it often, I make sure it fits in my calories, then enjoy.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    It's your body craving calories. You might not be getting enough fuel that it needs. Your body knows it will get the best caloric bang per bite by driving you towards energy-dense items, so when you under-eat for a while, you’ll feel like making a bee-line to the first jar of peanut butter that crosses your path. The key to battling this craving isn’t necessarily to eat more fatty foods, but to eat more, period.
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    so dont worry about it, basically, eat the PB and move on?
  • I believe you crave what you put in your body, you obviously eat it often, so maybe cutting it out would help?
  • refurbishingJASY
    refurbishingJASY Posts: 1 Member
    im so glad im not the only one craving it its the wierdiest thing ever i am like PEANUT BUTTTEEERRRRR!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    While I don't wake up and want peanut butter there are times where I'm sitting there watching t.v. and for no reason I want a spoonful of PB.

    I love the stuff.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I put PB on my PB. :love:
  • I am resurrecting this year old post because last night I ate 5 tablespoons of peanut butter. I had finished my prep meal (I have a contest in 11 days) but I was STARVING and was craving peanut butter. I am in a huge calorie deficit and my body was telling me it needed more fuel. I felt so guilty afterwards. I could have actually eaten the whole jar....(The size you get at Costco/Sams Club)....Luckily I burned about 1000 calories yesterday in my workout!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    LOL I just had a tablespoon. I tend to crave it after lunch when I ate fairly low fat/ low calorie lunch.
  • LOL I just had a tablespoon. I tend to crave it after lunch when I ate fairly low fat/ low calorie lunch.

    I tend to have my cravings between 5pm and 9pm.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I think that if it's an out of the norm craving that persists for days, your body is probably missing out on something--fat, protein, etc. look over your diet and see what it is you're lacking. And don't be afraid to listen to your body. If you are having a strong craving or an out of the blue starvinggggg day--listen to it.