Weight Loss Challenge - September 2010

Hi all,

I have been here for about a year and am happy with my results so far. I am ready to continue to lose the rest of this weight starting today and continuing on this month and the next. Let's lose weight together and motivate each other by keeping track of our weight loss starting this Sept. 2010. We can do friendly competitions where we look for the biggest loser each month, or any other challenges.

I'm ready to do this, and I would love to do this alongside other people who want to do the same.
Who's in?

Last weeks SW: 174 lbs
CW: 173.2 lbs.


  • ekm321
    I'm in. I recently "came back" after gaining what weight I had lost before, and I'm hoping to stay motivated to make a real change this time.
  • robslady
    This sounds like a good motivational start to my weight loss goals. I just reset my weight loss goals today......

    Today's weight in- 167 lbs.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Great! I'm so excited, this is going to be an awesome journey. You can all send me your weigh ins on PM this friday, and I'll put together a chart. Do you prefer weigh ins any other day then fridays?

    We can do weekly competitions including drinking an x amount of water, eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies, and also challenges like who will be the biggest loser for that week (in terms of highest percentage of weight loss).

    For this week, our challenge will be to log all of our foods and plan our meals. Having a plan is a great way to manager our diet. Some people plan their food diary the night before, or in the morning, or as you go. I know some people sometimes plan it weeks in advance.

    Since we started this in the middle of the week, here's some inspiration to get us started:
    Daily Diet Plan article: http://www.livestrong.com/article/218602-daily-diet-plan-to-lose-weight/
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Sorry guys, but I'm closing this group. Just not enough people on this list and I'm on other groups.

    Let's make this a great end of year! Good luck to all!