New here - 52 years old and hating hotflashes...

I just found this site through a friend and really so far have enjoyed the way it works. I am 52 and married and as my subject says having hot flashes galore... Menopause is a weighty issue for me. I am trying to take care of it naturally but getting frustrated. But since I have started tracking and being honest about it the past 5 days have been very good. Need to keep motivated. I know I can do it but going through it a daily struggle. Anyone else having this menopause issue too that is not helping you lose weight? Thanks for listening


  • pgrnfld
    pgrnfld Posts: 3
    Hi! I know how you feel. I am 55 years old, married, have daily hot flashes and want to lose about 50 pounds. I too need help in staying motivated and would like to be a part of a group where we can share diet and exercise tips. I have been steadily gaining weight now for several months. The number on the scale just keeps getting higher. I took my measurements tonight and compared them to the last time I took them the end of 2012 and I have gained an inch in every part I measured! Very frustrating.

    Do you take anything for your hot flashes? I use a bio identical hormone cream but it doesn't seem to be working lately.

    What kind of diet are you following? I usually do low carb but have decided to try something different so I am doing low calorie. I am trying to stay around 1200 calories a day and I have a goal to start exercising 5 days a week for about 30 minutes each time. I just started today but I was successful today!

    Hopefully we can help each other reach our goals!
  • kkbacon61
    kkbacon61 Posts: 8 Member
    We sound just alike!!. I want to lose around 50 to 60 pounds. I am around 10 to 15 pounds more than I was a year ago. My diet right now is just trying to get the right amount of calories daily and mix in 45 minutes of exercise a day. I just need to get healthier food choices. So tired of wearing the same old clothes because I refuse to buy larger clothes that would fit better. Just stubborn I guess. An emotional eater too with the hormones I think. Great to have you on this journey!!
  • pgrnfld
    pgrnfld Posts: 3
    I was thinking this morning how exciting it will be to get in my smaller clothes. I have 4 sizes in my closet and some have never been worn. I am a fat and frumpy mess! Have a great day!
  • kerrylcox161
    kerrylcox161 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 49 and peri menopause. Hoping to lose 50 to 60 lbs. Feel free follow me. I need some serious encouragement. :) BTW, today is my first day to get serious about MFP.
  • MorningWhispers
    Welcome. I'm 48 and the doctor told me this morning she thinks I am starting menopause.

    I'll be your friend.
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    Hello, I just joined. I'm 59 years 5'6" tall and weigh a whopping 208.8 pounds. Having been in deep, deep denial for many years, I didn't even own a bathroom scale and faced the inconvenient truth earlier today. It seems like just the other day when 140 was my fat weight. I've gone from denial to despondency, and frankly, denial was more fun.
  • ATLAST165
    ATLAST165 Posts: 5
    Hi there! I have been menopausal since about age 42, my mom was only about 40 when she went through it herself. I have no children, sadly, I got married at age 44 and was already in perimenopause..anyway, I just went to a new dr who takes me seriously and spends time with me. She took blood tests recently because I have experienced weight gain steadily since about age 40. I have never been thin but I am at 229 lbs now which is way too much for my 5'2'' frame. I exercise and now with this tracking I see I am eating too much sugar, I am always "in the red" with my sugar! I am 48 now and need motivation to keep on tracking! I love My Fitness Pal, even better than Weight Watchers and it's free, too! I have never experienced hot flashes, which is one reason my dr wanted blood tests, she wants to rule out other things. I am always fatigued, though, and can never seem to get enough sleep. I think my metabolism has slowed down due to age (of course) but also because of all the diets I have been on over the years.
  • ElkieMac
    ElkieMac Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm 54, live in Scotland and I'm roughly two years into menopause, weary of it and also of the weight gain it brought with it. I've been using MFP for a few months on and off. I'm 5'1", around 132lb and need to lose something like 22lb. I don't really eat a huge amount, but we do have the odd box of chocolates brought into work on an almost daily basis and I don't do any exercise to speak of so I'm going to do my best to replace the chocolates with fresh fruit and certainly do some exercise each day.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hi folks I'm 58 (OMG going to be 59 this Sunday!!!) and menopause is just a memory for me. For anyone who wants over the counter suggestions I used RemiFemin and worked like a charm. I don't have much to lose but log every day and try to motivate and keep my friends focused on their goals. If I can help, please add me!

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Lisadavis3593
    Hey there! I am 51 and having those dreadful hotflashes!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems to be more difficult to lose weight with menopause in full swing!!!!! But yes, the fitness pal DOES help you keep track of everything you eat as well as exercise. Are you working out as well as dieting?
  • Lisadavis3593
    Hi there! I am Lisa and 51 yrs old going thru the dreadful menopause as well! These hotflashes are HORRIBLE!!!! Are you working out as well as dieting?
  • Zina1963
    Zina1963 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 50, and although I am not having hot flashes yet, I've only had 3 periods since my last yearly exam in October 2012. I have had a weight problem my whole life. I would love new friends to encourage and be encouraged!
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Hey Ladies, there are several Menopause groups on this site. just do a group search and you will find alot of us there and ready to bring you into the fold.....
  • kkbacon61
    kkbacon61 Posts: 8 Member
    This sounds like a great place to get motivated.
  • pgrnfld
    pgrnfld Posts: 3
    Does anyone use Bio identical hormone cream? How does it work for you? I have been using if for a while - sometimes it seems to work but lately not so much with the hot flashes. Anyway, beginning next month my insurance will not pay for compounding creams. I don't know what I am going to do. I really wish I could find something that would work rather than taking medication. Any ideas? Several years ago when I first started having hot flashes, someone recommended Black Cohosh. You can get it from GNC. Anyone familiar with that?
  • ElkieMac
    ElkieMac Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Lisa

    I just caught your post about working out. I haven't been doing much exercise over the past 20 years but just trying to lose weight by eating less doesn't seem to be working for me so I joined the gym here at work and I'm now exercising twice a week. Once a week is an "Insanity" class which is really hard work and once a week is half hour fast walking on the jogging machine (my body is not made for running) and another half hour on the exercise bike.

    Our local sports centre has just re-opened after a major overhaul and I see they are doing early morning swimming sessions so I've bought myself a new swimming costume and I'm going to try to get out of bed early once a week to attend one of those before I start work.

    Are you doing exercise as well as eating less?
  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Everyone:

    I am 51, feel free to add me anyone.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Don't hate me. I went through menopause without ever really knowing that was what it was. I had a few hot flashes at night but attributed it to different things. I am just here to tell you it ends and then your as free as a bird. The only residual effect I have noticed is that I am way way more emotional than I was when I was younger. I am 53 so I went through menopause early. I have been over it a few years now. I never took any supplements or consulted a doctor. I am not sure what I did that made it easier than most women but there you have it. I am however fat. Maybe I ate my way through it LOL I have found MFP now and am working my way back down the scale. I would like to know if anyone else has troubles with their emotions since menopause?
  • Copelandmom
    I am 52 but don't seem to be having hot flashes, am for the last year I get my cycle every 3 weeks. (What fun). It is also very heavy, which didn't used to be. I am much more emotional, easily to cry. My second daughter just left for college and if I let myself give in to it I could be a basket case but I have 4 more children in the home and feel like I need to hold it together not to mention my husband. I am wondering how much longer my body is going to do this. I'm ready to be done. I am 5' 3 and 3/4 inches and weigh this morning 178. 140 was a high for me until about 2 years ago when my weight seemed like I gained 2 lbs. a month steadily and now I have weight around my stomache which I never had before. I need to buckle down though because I am worried about health at this stage of the game. Message me anytime. I'm looking for some discipline.
    MYWILLS Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I am 46 and this looks like a group of ladies I would love to join. One and all freind me, please!