Hi, I'm Lori. What's your name?

Hey All,
I could use some friends for support and an exchange of ideas. I have been stuck in a plateau for almost 2 years now and need some fresh ideas and recipes to help me along.

A bit about me: I live just steps from Philadelphia, PA. married with 2 kids (12 and 3 yrs old). I enjoy running and yoga 3-4 times a week. I try to buy clean and/or organic foods (as much as I can afford) and I love to cook and try new things.

Looking forward to making friends :happy:


  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    Hi...I'm Kimberley. I probably don't live too far from you (phila area). I was stuck, thinking i was doing okay for a while, but recently overhauled what i was doing and am starting to see a change. I have two kids as well (5 & 8). Feel free to friend me!
  • lorid220
    lorid220 Posts: 14
    Hey Kim,
    I am outside of northeast.
    What did you overhaul, exactly?
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I just got really real with myself about disordered eating, what I was eating and how much/when, overall intake/balance, my sleep/wake habits, and started really amping up they exercise...finding sustainable and enjoyable solutions and goals that would help me change.