Confusion needed to be Solved :-/ ........

Hello Everyone out there!!
Hope all of you in best of your Health:)
Well i have a little confusion; i have always heared that ''U loose when you burn more than you eat''....!!
Is this sentence means that we have to burn more than we eat daily?? i maen if i am on 1200 calories goal, i need to atleast burn 1300 calories daily to lose weight????
or does it means that i need to burn 600 daily and 700 are being burned by those calories deficit....???
A bit Confused:/
Help guys........



  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Technically, yes you need to consume less calories than you burn. But you burn calories existing in the first place, you don't have to exercise.

    Please tell us your current height, weight and age so we can better help you. =)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    if you set up your goal using MFP, then just log everything and eat your calories. The deficit is built in.

    technically speaking, to answer your question, you burn calories all day long even just sitting around. The amount of calories you burn at rest is called your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and is very close to your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - for all intents and purposes, these are interchangeable as far as weight loss is concerned. You also burn calories from activity - walking, typing, running, lifting weights, etc - any activity. The amount of calories you burn per day is your BMR + your activity. This is called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). To lose weight, you just need to eat less calories than your TDEE - hence the saying eat less than you burn.

    In other words, you don't need 1300 calories from exercise per day because you are burning calories all day long - even sleeping.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Technically, yes you need to consume less calories than you burn. But you burn calories existing in the first place, you don't have to exercise.

    Please tell us your current height, weight and age so we can better help you. =)

    I am 21 years old, 5 feet 2'' with 64 kgs ( 140 lbs)
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    In other words, you don't need 1300 calories from exercise per day because you are burning calories all day long - even sleeping.

    u mean burning calories to lose weight count all calories burned including your exercise plus all day activities....!! right?
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Once you have figured out your TDEE, its best to take away 20% of those calories to make a calorie deficit. ( or 15% / 10% depending on how much you have left to lose )

    My example:

    Age 24:
    Sex: Female
    Height: 4ft 8.
    Weight: 111lbs
    Activity Level: Moderately Active

    My TDEE is almost 2000 calories. So I have taken away 20% of my calories, giving me 1600 to eat. That way, I'm minus 400 calories a day and will lose slowly, but steadily.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25

    My TDEE is almost 2000 calories. So I have taken away 20% of my calories, giving me 1600 to eat. That way, I'm minus 400 calories a day and will lose slowly, but steadily.

    Thanks for quoting your example dear!
    But what i am not getting is that; (lets take your example): you have minus 400 calories through diet; now do u need to burn 1200 + per day so that u will burn more than 1600 to lose weight....???
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Technically, yes you need to consume less calories than you burn. But you burn calories existing in the first place, you don't have to exercise.

    Please tell us your current height, weight and age so we can better help you. =)

    I am 21 years old, 5 feet 2'' with 64 kgs ( 140 lbs)

    You maintain your current weight at 1741 calories per day, this is how many calories you burn just existing, as well as normal everyday activity like showering, preparing food, ect.

    To lose 1lb a week with zero exercise, you need to subtract 500 calories from 1741.

    1741-500=1241 calories to eat everyday with zero exercise.

    If you exercise you need to eat 1241 calories + exercise calories so that you keep the same 500 calorie deficit. Having too high of a caloric deficit daily is counter productive to weight loss.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure, the number of calories where you would not lose or gain. It is also called "maintenance calories".

    If you eat less than this you will lose weight. If you eat more than this you will gain weight.

    You need to create a calorie deficit from TDEE, and you can do this by eating less or moving more, or a combination of the two.
    But not too much of a deficit, because you still need nutrition and energy for working out.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    well i am getting a bit...thanks for helping out!! but still some questions in my mind!!!
    i am on 1240 calories per day (set by MFP)..i am always under my calorie goal..but i do not usually eat back the burned calories! (i exercise daily; cardio treadmill alongwith circuit training...on my way to jillian's 30 DS Level 1's Day 9!!)
    So am i doing bad to my self for not eating back those burned calories?? or is it ok??
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    well i am getting a bit...thanks for helping out!! but still some questions in my mind!!!
    i am on 1240 calories per day (set by MFP)..i am always under my calorie goal..but i do not usually eat back the burned calories! (i exercise daily; cardio treadmill alongwith circuit training...on my way to jillian's 30 DS Level 1's Day 9!!)
    So am i doing bad to my self for not eating back those burned calories?? or is it ok??

    You should eat the calories because MFP does not include exercise in its calculation for the amount of calories you need. What it gives you is a deficit on something LESS than TDEE already. That is why it adds more calories to your goal when you log your exercise.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    well i am getting a bit...thanks for helping out!! but still some questions in my mind!!!
    i am on 1240 calories per day (set by MFP)..i am always under my calorie goal..but i do not usually eat back the burned calories! (i exercise daily; cardio treadmill alongwith circuit training...on my way to jillian's 30 DS Level 1's Day 9!!)
    So am i doing bad to my self for not eating back those burned calories?? or is it ok??

    You need to eat back the burned calories, you don't have to wait until after you burn them, just eat more throughout the day on a planned exercise day.

    At the end of the day your Net calories should say 1240 and your Remaining calories should say 0

    Lets say today you burn 400 calories at the gym, you would need to eat 1240+400=1640 calories today.

    Because 1640-400=1240 NET calories, which is your goal for weight loss.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Here i get a alot!!!!
    You people are way awsome!!
    Humble Thanks!!1 Hugs and Love u all:*
    But wait,
    Is my concept that i will lose even more if i will not eat back my exercise calories right...??
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member

    Is my concept that i will lose even more if i will not eat back my exercise calories right...??

    In theory, yes, the larger your calorie deficit (either eating less or exercising more or both) the faster you will lose weight. However, if your deficit is too large for a period of time, your body will start reducing how many calories it burns at rest by shutting/slowing down certain body functions to conserve energy and your weight loss will slow. Depending on the size of the calorie deficit, it can be unhealthy.

    Just pick a reasonable weight loss goal - like 1 lb/wk - and stick with it. You aren't going to lose it all in a week, so you might as well lose it in a healthy way that you aren't miserable.
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Bundle of thanks dear:)
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member

    My TDEE is almost 2000 calories. So I have taken away 20% of my calories, giving me 1600 to eat. That way, I'm minus 400 calories a day and will lose slowly, but steadily.

    Thanks for quoting your example dear!
    But what i am not getting is that; (lets take your example): you have minus 400 calories through diet; now do u need to burn 1200 + per day so that u will burn more than 1600 to lose weight....???

    Although your questions have been answered I'll answer your question to moi. :P

    No, I only have to eat 1200 and will lose weight regardless of what I burn. I burn around 2000 calories a day ( which is what my TDEE is )

    So in short: TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure, basically, how many calories you burn a day depending on your lifestyle.

    If I exercise on TOP of my 1200 calories allotted to me, I add my exercise calories and then I can eat them back.

    For example today I walked to and from work giving me 83 extra calories. 1283. Now I can have a couple more cups of tea as I like to eat my exercise calories back when I can. :D
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Yes i almost get my answer:) thank u dear:)
    But problem still presists; like i smartly choose a way to reduce 1lb per week and made a defict of 500 calories per that way, i made a total defict of 3500 calories in 1 week!! but trust me, i didn't reduced a single pound...i kept moving and did it for month and so...but still saw no progress in my weight!! thats why i get confused taht i might be wrong!! then i started off with exercise and MFP but still i have not seen any change in my weight since last 4 months!! was really depressed:( i don't know why things arn't working for me!! i have started jillian's 30 DS..just completed level 1! and i am really hopeful that it will work for me.....but if it doesn't; trust me that will de motivate me BADLY................!!!!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Yes i almost get my answer:) thank u dear:)
    But problem still presists; like i smartly choose a way to reduce 1lb per week and made a defict of 500 calories per that way, i made a total defict of 3500 calories in 1 week!! but trust me, i didn't reduced a single pound...i kept moving and did it for month and so...but still saw no progress in my weight!! thats why i get confused taht i might be wrong!! then i started off with exercise and MFP but still i have not seen any change in my weight since last 4 months!! was really depressed:( i don't know why things arn't working for me!! i have started jillian's 30 DS..just completed level 1! and i am really hopeful that it will work for me.....but if it doesn't; trust me that will de motivate me BADLY................!!!!

    Understand that all of the numbers we have talked about are ESTIMATES. How many calories you burn every day and how much food you log are estimated numbers and have a certain amount of error in them. If you tried it for a month and saw no results at all, then you simply need to adjust your calories a little until you start seeing results. The calculations and estimations are simply a starting point and it is up to you to tweak the numbers until you get the results you are wanting.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    technically speaking, to answer your question, you burn calories all day long even just sitting around. The amount of calories you burn at rest is called your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and is very close to your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - for all intents and purposes, these are interchangeable as far as weight loss is concerned. You also burn calories from activity - walking, typing, running, lifting weights, etc - any activity. The amount of calories you burn per day is your BMR + your activity. This is called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). To lose weight, you just need to eat less calories than your TDEE - hence the saying eat less than you burn.

    Thanks for posting this explanation!

  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    But problem still presists; like i smartly choose a way to reduce 1lb per week and made a defict of 500 calories per that way, i made a total defict of 3500 calories in 1 week!! but trust me, i didn't reduced a single pound..

    When you first start out, you might see this. I lost 8-10 pounds pretty quick, like within a couple of weeks of dieting. Then I stopped losing weight for weeks.

    I have dieted many times in my life, and I see this every time. I think your body figures out something is up after about a week of not getting enough to eat and it clamps down on the fat reserves. I also notice about this time that I am very tired all the time (and hungry!) Often I would go to bed early because I was tired and just to avoid feeling hungry!

    It takes me about a month to break through that plateau. It's very discouraging, I know. Stick with it and watch that scale like a hawk!
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    But problem still presists; like i smartly choose a way to reduce 1lb per week and made a defict of 500 calories per that way, i made a total defict of 3500 calories in 1 week!! but trust me, i didn't reduced a single pound..

    When you first start out, you might see this. I lost 8-10 pounds pretty quick, like within a couple of weeks of dieting. Then I stopped losing weight for weeks.

    I have dieted many times in my life, and I see this every time. I think your body figures out something is up after about a week of not getting enough to eat and it clamps down on the fat reserves. I also notice about this time that I am very tired all the time (and hungry!) Often I would go to bed early because I was tired and just to avoid feeling hungry!

    It takes me about a month to break through that plateau. It's very discouraging, I know. Stick with it and watch that scale like a hawk!

    This is me to a tee! 2 weeks ago I was in bed by 10pm as thinking about food was driving me insane!

    Now the plateau is gone after the first 7lbs and I'm losing about 1lb a week again.