Foot and ankle injury

Broke my left foot and injury left ankle over 6 months ago. Just starting back with running. Agained 10 lbs over the past 6 months. Man does 10 lbs. really change alot. I have been clear to start slow, but still have certain restrictions. I was doing really well the first few months after my injury trying to watch my portions and type of food intake, then got frustrated and went off the deep end with my consumption. I am getting on my fitness pal to pull myself back under controll. I have let my food addiction get the best of me over the past few months and I cannot let it get any farther! I worked so hard to lose weigth and get in shape not to go back to where I started 2 years ago. Started out at 230lbs at size 24. Down to 165lbs and size 12. Right now I am 185lbs. and want to get to 155lbs. With holiday weekend, whenever I am with family to celebrate I always eat to much and feel like I am expected too! I do not eat this way on a regular basis when I am at home, but when we get together I just go crazy. We got togther over Memorial Day, for Graduations in June and now 4th of July! I need to really work on myself control!


  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    My ankle is broken right now, and I'm finding the limitations on exercise so frustrating. I was in the last week of Couch 2 5K when it happened and I was so excited to make that goal.
    I don't know if I have any good advice, but feel free to add me as a friend, and we can support and encourage each other on our (slow, and sometimes hobbling) way to healthier selves.
  • hematthi
    hematthi Posts: 5
    Thanks for your reply! I will certainly do that! How do I add you? :smile:
  • I feel your pain!! I had foot , ankle & achilles surgery the end of Oct 2012...spent weeks in bed with leg elevated....ate whatever junk my family brought home, cookies, ice cream, pizza ...yum....but gained....I was 192 lbs in Feb when I started physical therapy in earnest. I began weight machines, recumbant bike & progressed to the treadmill.. In June I began teaching water exercise classes again at our city pool. I get 4 to 6 hours of pool time a day, 5 days per week. Best job ever!! Not only can I work therapy on my injury, but tone over all my body as well. I have been floundering between 156 and 154 lbs all week. I started out logging everything faithfully here & texting a friend daily with my progress. We keep each other accountable, encouraged but not judged. I cut out refined sugar & do not eat much bread ....I eat a lot of watermelon, strawberries, oranges....occasional salads.. and control my portions of meat. I still can enjoy a burger with family, but make sure I always bring fruit or vegies cut up & fill up on those. I have had a few treats but do not miss them much. Protein bars are like a real treat for me...but beware, they can have just as many calories as candy bars!

    I was checking blogs here because I have noticed that as my muscle tone gets tighter, I seem to have looser, jiggly, unsightly fat...sounds like this is common as we are shrinking. Good luck! Do not give up! The pool is a great place to start exercising after an injury...the water takes the stress off of the joints while providing resistance.
  • hematthi
    hematthi Posts: 5
    Thank you Bonnie! I appreciate your message! :smile:
  • David_Hernandez
    David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
    Ya I know the feeling. I messed my left knee up at work 8 months ago. Just started working my legs out yesterday and a little cardio for the first time n idk how long. Sucks starting with low weights again n having to build everything back up. But I went threw the whole frustration thing too. Started eating bad gain alot of weight back got depressed. Hopefully now I'm using myfittnesspal I can get back on track n lose this weight. Good luck with ur weight lose n don't let ur injury hold u back
  • hematthi
    hematthi Posts: 5
    Thanks David! Best to you too! Your message really helps!
  • hematthi
    hematthi Posts: 5
    Wow Dawn! Hang in there! That is something that helped bring me back to focus was realizing my injuries could have been a whole lot worse! I hope you get well soon!
  • adzkyle
    adzkyle Posts: 4
    I've been on a major fitness routine the last few weeks, upped my walking to about 12 miles a day. But today at work I went over my ankle and have badly sprained the ligaments.
    I'm absolutely gutted as I was really enjoying my walks and now I'm gonna be stuck inside :(