bra or time of day?



  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Um ...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    weight one day fully dressed 210 next day I weighed myself before bed with out a bra this time bc hey bed 213.8 could it been the fact that the bra was off allowing my 42 fs to weigh me down or just the end of the day causeing me to freak?

    Think about this logically for a second. We'll wait.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    if you have a 5 pound bag of flour does it weigh differently if you're holding it by your hip or over your head? Will a 5 pound bag of flour weigh 3 pounds when at your hip, 5 pounds at your face, and 7 pounds overhead (or in reverse)? Think about it . . .
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    OMG - NEVER weigh yourself after first thing in the morning after pee and naked! It's far too distressing!

    Not practical for me. My scale measures BF in addition to total weight (and other things). The owner's manual tells me that weight will be most accurate in the morning, but BF will be most accurate on an empty stomach, not just after exercising, in the early evening.

    What kind of scale do you have?
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I think standing on one foot will help, you'll weigh a ton less! (and in case you didn't catch the sarcasm there...whether your boobs are tethered to your chest or hanging loose, they are not going to affect your weight)

    Weigh yourself at the same time every time, once a week is best to see results and not watching fluctuation every day.
  • delaniecastillo
    I usually just take my boobs off when I weigh-in. SO much easier.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    i just get someone to hold mine.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Great troll thread.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I weigh naked and hold my boobs up with my hands. Now tomorrow I'm gonna use one hand for this and with the other hold up my left butt cheek. I predict a 7.5 lb weight loss.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    weight one day fully dressed 210 next day I weighed myself before bed with out a bra this time bc hey bed 213.8 could it been the fact that the bra was off allowing my 42 fs to weigh me down or just the end of the day causeing me to freak?

    Despite what people here want you to believe, gravity does fluctuate. So braless your breastages were closer to the earth and actually heavier due to increased gravity
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Dont weigh daily. Dont focus on a number. Dont wear bra. DO focus on how you look and feel.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    weight one day fully dressed 210 next day I weighed myself before bed with out a bra this time bc hey bed 213.8 could it been the fact that the bra was off allowing my 42 fs to weigh me down or just the end of the day causeing me to freak?

    Despite what people here want you to believe, gravity does fluctuate. So braless your breastages were closer to the earth and actually heavier due to increased gravity

    So then according to your science, if the weight is closer the ground the gravity is "fluctuating" heavier? So then I would want most of my weight to be further from the ground. So then if I carry most of my weight around my hips as most women do...I would benefit from weighing standing on my head, correct?
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
  • sire137
    sire137 Posts: 41
    bra have helium in it? a float up bra!
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    weight one day fully dressed 210 next day I weighed myself before bed with out a bra this time bc hey bed 213.8 could it been the fact that the bra was off allowing my 42 fs to weigh me down or just the end of the day causeing me to freak?

    Despite what people here want you to believe, gravity does fluctuate. So braless your breastages were closer to the earth and actually heavier due to increased gravity

    So then according to your science, if the weight is closer the ground the gravity is "fluctuating" heavier? So then I would want most of my weight to be further from the ground. So then if I carry most of my weight around my hips as most women do...I would benefit from weighing standing on my head, correct?

    Its not "my science"
    Yes you can calculate the gravitational pull based on altitude change

    gh = g0(re/(re+h))^2

    gh is the gravitational acceleration at height h\, above sea level.
    re is the Earth's mean radius. (6,371 kilometers)
    g0 is the standard gravitational acceleration. (9.80665 m/s2)
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    As a general rule, normal people are lightest in the am. You sweat and don't drink at night, so you're the lightest you're going to be. I have known of 1 person who is heaviest first thing in the am though, which doesn't make any sense to me, but I saw the scale, she wasn't making it up!

    I tend to be my lightest in early afternoon (12-4pm). I don't know why, other than I sometimes eat late at night, and that food hasn't "gone away" yet. I used to work a job with very busy mornings, so my "breakfast" wasn't until 3:30ish or five in the evening.
  • meowmisu
    meowmisu Posts: 44 Member
    Did the cups have helium balloons tied to them, lifting the breasts into the air, so that they wouldn't register on the scale?

    I need to try this.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Despite what people here want you to believe, gravity does fluctuate. So braless your breastages were closer to the earth and actually heavier due to increased gravity
    So then according to your science, if the weight is closer the ground the gravity is "fluctuating" heavier? So then I would want most of my weight to be further from the ground. So then if I carry most of my weight around my hips as most women do...I would benefit from weighing standing on my head, correct?
    Its not "my science"
    Yes you can calculate the gravitational pull based on altitude change

    gh = g0(re/(re+h))^2

    gh is the gravitational acceleration at height h\, above sea level.
    re is the Earth's mean radius. (6,371 kilometers)
    g0 is the standard gravitational acceleration. (9.80665 m/s2)
    1) It's not "closer to the ground", it's "closer to the center of the Earth"
    2) Gravity is directly proportional to the inverse square of said distance. For example, she's have to double her distance from the center of the Earth (e.g. thousands of miles above surface) to drop to 1/4 of her weight.

    In other words, inches/feet difference from the ground would be account for such a negligible difference in weight, no scale available for home use would detect the difference.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Your bra just relocates the weight of your 8008s. It doesn't eliminate the weight.