Protein is always in red.



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    How do you figure out your optimal macro ratios for your body type?
    Optimal is subjective. If someone is dieting, protein becomes very important for function simply because the body needs these amino acids and will take it from you if you don't supply it. Generally speaking a protein intake of about 1g/ pound/lean mass is recommended and if your dieting and weight training I would up that to 1.2-1.5. Fat is also essential for function and repair and again generally .4g's/lb/lean mass seems to be promoted and the rest of you calorie intake with carbs or more protein and fat, it's up to you. My protein is in and around 35% of my total intake, fat around 40% and carbs around 25%......this works for me, you need to mess around and see what works for you.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    I use MFP mainly to track Calories. And if that is good, I may also look to make sure Fat is not in the red, and then Carbs. I honestly try to bring my protein into the red. A) I am trying to build muscle, B) Protein helps fill you up, make you feel fuller longer and C) Protein versus Carbs - Protein turns to fat much slower than carbs do.

    So to me Protein being in the Red is not a bad thing.
  • Iron_Made_Chick
    Iron_Made_Chick Posts: 2 Member
    How do you figure out your optimal macro ratios for your body type?

    there are plenty of online tests that you can take if you're unable to see a coach, trainer or a specialist (all which should have proper credentials)
    but if u can't there's always online tests such as these:

    there's plenty of others pages you can look into that aren't tests but give descriptions and can be very helpful...

    me personally, I work in a pretty dynamic gym where even the coaches coach each other as if we were clients... so early on I was assessed and found that my body type was in between endo and mesomorph so I had to choose one or the other if not find an in between range I found that going low in carbs and high in healthy fats worked for me.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Don't listen to MFP's measly protein 'goal'. Eat yo protein.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    We like protein :)
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    My protein goes into the red after 2 meals LOL.

    Carbs/Fats always green (only just) and protein in the extreme red.

    MFP recommends 74g.....I eat closer to 200g
  • Still_Standing
    Will do :)
  • Still_Standing
    Same for me! haha
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    MFP's protein recommendation is on the very low end. Personally mine is changed to almost twice theirs. Think of it as a minimum not a maximum.

    listen to this

    For sure.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Latest studies conducted by Professor T Colin Campbell Phd done between USA and China found our recommended protein levels are way to high. Increase in cancer rates. The findings are in a lecture

    Good to have information then make up your own mind.

    Oh *kitten*.... looks like my excessive chicken, egg & fish consumption is going to lead to my ultimate cancer-y death. :noway:
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I am always over on protein and fiber, which I think is a good thing. If you are eating like an extremely high amount I would be worried but I don't think that you are. MFC sets it low, I believe 15% percent of your calorie intake is set for protein. I would be more worried about going over on carbs, sugar & fats. Protein helps you build muscle and stay full for longer :)
  • Still_Standing
    Thanks! I will do :)
  • Still_Standing
    Thanks everyone for the feedback!
  • HSokol
    HSokol Posts: 67 Member
    Mine is always in the red also. Honestly i dont really pay attention to it bc as long as it's lean protein that you're eating (which you are) i don't see it as a problem. I would rather have more protein in my diet since i am going to the gym several times a week working out doing cardio and weights.
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    USA/China Study. Debunked indeed. Each to his own.