What is wrong with me? I am back where I started...again...



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I suppose you're probably satisfied with the shape you're in now. If you want to change, you'll change.
    Edited by taso42 On July 24, 2013 4:44 pm

    To the above... I am pretty sure she isn't satisfied with her shape or she wouldn't be so upset with getting off track.:smile:
    For some people being unhappy with the shape is not enough to make the weight loss an easy process.

    difference of belief systems. belief system is everything.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Why do you want to lose weight? Vanity? health? for yourself, for others? (as a note, I haven't looked at your profile, I have no idea how much you want to lose or need to lose or whatever, I am talking in general here)

    that's what you have to keep in your mind as you're doing it. What do you want? If deep down for some reason you don't want to lose why is it? why are you sabotaging yourself? I've known people who were afraid to be in relationships so they gained so they would feel like they had an excuse not to be in one (for instance) at the root of it, it's all psychological. Find the root issue and solve the problem.

    your health is ultimately the most important thing imho. Even if you can't get motivated to diet as such try to cut out things like junk food. don't eat fast food.. period. Go watch some behind the scenes footage of how it's made. Something anything but that is a good place to start. Take whole grain bread and peanut butter or cheese on the road with you if you're travelling and have a quick sandwich instead of road food. Diets don't have to be about salads with no dressing. there is so much more you can have. But if you rely too much on fast food or processed food you're sabotaged from the get go.

    (all in my ever so humble opinion of course)

    Another important thing. lose the shame. lose the negative feelings. if something is making you feel negative get rid of it. you're ok, you're not bad you're not shameful. you are you and whatever that is it's really ok. try not to let negative feed back be your motivation because it's never going to take you the full road. find a positive reason to encompass change. do it because you're wonderful and you deserve to fit in your favorite jeans and not be at risk for this that adn the other disease.
  • melissa3324
    melissa3324 Posts: 33 Member
    I think what I need to do is be more active on here. Read other's people's posts and blogs. And yes, start my own so I can be held accountable. I don't have much support in real life and it is real easy to feel very alone in this. I am already starting to feel a tiny bit better.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

    Love yourself!
  • AJHornik
    AJHornik Posts: 58 Member
    I am going to add you if that's ok?! I am going through something similar. Lost 18lbs, had a miscarriage and fell off the band wagon. Gained 8lbs back. I need to find the power to re-commit and stick to it.. Not sure where that power is hiding. :grumble: