42yr old woman not losing weight



  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Lots of great advice already. Log everything, add strength training, mix up your exercise routine, add more intensity and do it for shorter periods of time. For strength training you can start with body weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, chair dips, squats, lunges, etc. Get those muscles growing which will rev up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Exercise more and eat more but log everything!!!!

    1000 calories a day isn't enough. I'm guessing you need more around 1500, but scoobyworkshop.com has a great calculator where you can determine your BMR, maintenance and goal calories. Best wishes.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    I too was perplexed until I realized I wasn't really eating only 1200 calories a day. My problem was unlogged bites, licks, and tastes. Also, even though I was good most of the time, I realized my 2,000 a week cheat day (once a week) was totally derailing me--along with alcohol and sweets a little to often (even if they fit into my caloric budget). I followed advice of MFPers and upped my calories from 1200 and gained. Most of those extra calories were clean but I'll admit, not all were. I am also a huge fan of lifting weights and building muscle to speed up the metabolism. Just be sure you are bulding muscle and not an added layer of fat if you up your calories. One thing that really enlightened me too was when I bought fitbits (pedometers) for my husband and I. It turns out he takes on average 10,000 steps a day (not including exercise). I only take 3,000 a day. My daily activity level is really low and therefore I don't need that many calories. Many things to take into consideration so beware of the generic advice to just eat more. Good luck.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    ^^^ THIS.

    Its so easy to over-estimate your activity level. I have friends who say "I never stop, I'm out and about all day" but then most of it they're sitting in cars (or sitting in coffee shops with a latte and a cake!) If you find it hard to estimate then get a HRM.