Helllooo MFP peeps

I started MFP the second week in August. I needed something to help me lose the weight that I have gained from finally having a happy relationship and then having a baby. My house is filled with love from my three kids, my stepson, and my wonderful husband.

It’s been really hard trying to take off this weight. The people around me are all healthy. No one really needs to lose weight. So I am surrounded by thin people who eat thing’s in front of me that taste yummy, but are loaded with calories. My dear co-worker the other day ate cheesecake right in front of me. It made me upset at first but then I looked up the calories and I thought it’s not worth it. My husband is a great man who is really fit and has never had to diet a day in his life. I try to cook food that is healthy in light in calories for us, but he say’s “Your going to make me rail thin.”..He works for the water company in are town and walks somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,000 steps or more just at work.

So basically what I’m saying is I need help..I really want to wear a nice bathing suit next summer not a grandma looking one when I’m just 30 years old. So if any of you nice folks out there are willing to cheer me on I would be greatly appreciating it.


  • Susan57
    Susan57 Posts: 40 Member
    i am not able to get around much and i lost just by my staying within the calories.:ohwell:
  • live4something
    live4something Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! I signed up on 8/23. I love this site. Everyone here is so nice and supportive. I will send you a friend request!
  • Welcome to MFP! Congrats on taking the first step on getting healthy. I would be happy to be your cheerleader and maybe you could return the favor :) Feel free to send me a friend request! Good luck on your weight loss journey!

  • wvmom30
    wvmom30 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks all of you!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to make this happen this time for life
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I know how hard it is when you have a houseful of people who dont want to eat just low cal stuff. What I do alot of times is a make something like grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, salad , melon and biscuits and I just dont eat the mashed potatoes or the biscuits. and I give them ice cream and I eat skinny cow ice cream sandwiches or klondike slim bars.feel free to add me as a friend