5ft5in, weigh 122 lbs. details included. help!



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I can't let it go!! I can't believe you call yourself fat at 5'5" and 122 lbs. You're freaking crazy!! Sure maybe you have some flab, maybe you aren't ripped, well what you are doing now is not going to get you ripped. Do little people get on here and write this **** just to piss fat people off!?? Because it worked! YOU have managed to really piss me off!! I would give anything to be 5'5" 122. I am 5'1" and weight 195 lbs. and mine wasn't because of stupid drinking and college eating....mine was from 2 children and the stresses of life. Grow up and love yourself for the way you look, REMEMBER it could be a lot worse!

    you sound hangry...
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    fasting for this month is for religious purposes. and at a point now when have to loose 12 lbs, but have already lost 25 pounds in the past and these last pounds are the hardest to let go! should have included more details in there i guess! :/

    You do not need to lose another 12lbs.

    to lose fat you need a small deficit and some resistance/strength training. starving yourself is not healthy and wont make you look good.

    This. Also, I can understand fasting for religious purposes, but there are ways to still get calories in. If it's for Ramadan, don't you have a short window in which you can still eat? If so, EAT during that window, and eat about 1500 calories so you have enough energy to do the strength training.

    Edit to add a good link for you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1038039-ramadan-fasting-mfp-and-you-a-guide?hl=fasting+ramadan&page=1#posts-15939742
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    I was going to ask if you were observing Ramadan but you answered already. The issue you will have is that once you stop fasting you will probably gain a few pounds back. I have friends who lose 15-20 pounds during Ramadan and gain back 10 directly after. Just focus on healthy eating and tone those arms. Do a Google search on toning and you will find tons of exercises.

    Good luck.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    As a woman who is 22, 5'5, and 122lbs: you don't need to lose any weight. 1200 is a MINIMUM you should be taking in. If you want to get rid of your arm fat what you need to be doing it picking up some weights. Cardio and eating next to nothing is not going to get your remotely close to your goal. If you honestly want some help then add me.

    Over the last year I've been working on changing my body composition solely with weight lifting. I used to do 45-60 min of cardio 4-5 days a week and only eat 1200 cals. I've stayed at 122lbs but I've reduced my body size, BF%, and measurements. I am smaller than I have ever been but weigh the same and also eat MORE than I ever have before! That's a pretty good alternative to not eating and doing cardio until you die eh?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    firstly, 5ft5 and 122lbs is NOT fat.... even if you only have a small build, its just NOT.

    secondly, eating 500-700 calories is not enough food and will be VERY bad for your health if you do it for any length of time.

    'Nuff said
  • martianhaq
    martianhaq Posts: 12 Member
    i have been struggling with my arms for years literally! 4 to be precise. and now at the point when i am nearer to my goal, seeing fat there is just really disappointing! trying hard for years and not being able to get there, jut thereeee, is getting to me i guess!! in a really bad way too! but thanks for all the honest responses you guys! and for all those who are thinking i am trolling, i am so not!! i just wish it was easy! :/
  • the_green_midget
    the_green_midget Posts: 80 Member
    fasting for this month is for religious purposes. and at a point now when have to loose 12 lbs, but have already lost 25 pounds in the past and these last pounds are the hardest to let go! should have included more details in there i guess! :/

    If I understand correctly, you're fasting for Ramadan right now. That doesn't mean that you should be eating so little every day, it just means that you aren't allowed to eat while the sun is up. Still try to get enough calories (like, at least 1500 for your height and weight) during the sundown hours because as others have said, eating 500-800 calories for any length of time is very harmful to your metabolism.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Um wait...you're serious?

    I'm 5'5" and I'm in the healthy weight range for my height and age, I have lower body fat than many, and I still EAT 1300+ calories everyday, and I'm still shedding inches and occasional lbs.

    I think, if this is a legit post, that you may have some serious problems that you need to contact your doctor about. If this is a joke then --> :laugh: .
  • martianhaq
    martianhaq Posts: 12 Member
    thank you so much for the awesome link! :)
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    Take the positive advise Sweetie and leave the negative alone. I didn't understand this point of view either until my mother (much older than you) explained that when she's 15 lbs over her comfortable weight, she really feels "blaw". Even though she is not over weight it makes a difference in the way she feels. Then she exercises more and watches what she eats and after a couple of months she's down again.

    If you want to lose the 12 lbs you can do it! Make those last 12 lbs. a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You used to weigh 8 lbs., but then you grew up. Sorry, but you have nothing "old" or "nostalgic" to look back on. You are a normal, developing young woman, not a little girl anymore. At your weight and measurements, I think exercise with lots of protein will help you achieve what you want more than a calorie deficit.

    I am much older than you, but am about the same weight and am 5'5". My measurements are 36-28-34. Hope this helps!
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Okay, I get it, I have a slim build too & so I feel chunky at 5'7", 130 pounds (even though I know, logically, that is NOT fat, it's just too much "extra" for me, personally, although now I'm toning up so it doesn't bother me as much).

    So, anyway, I won't knock you for attempting to loose weight, BUT you are ~not~ doing it healthily. Stop with that 500 calorie a day **** & start eating normally, maybe get some strength training in there (which will make you smaller, & more TONED, but not necessarily change your weight, just FYI) Don't chase some elusive number on the scale, & stop starving yourself. 1200-1400 on most days is still a deficit, & you can splurge on other days even higher than that. Exercise & strength train (even Pilates, which is what I do, contains enough resistance training to tone you up)
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    Oh wow, MFP censors curse words now? hahaha oops
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm going to assume this is a serious post, and offer a little different perspective from most of the responses.

    I'm just under 5'5" at 5' 4.75", and I have never been over 120 lbs. "Normal" for me is about 107 - 111 lbs. The lowest healthy BMI for our height is about 110 lbs (18.5 BMI). Even at 122 lbs, you are still on the lower end of the healthy weight range, but I do understand how that can "feel" fat when you are used to 110. I can remember my pants feeling very tight when I hit 118 a few years ago, so I do understand where you're coming from.

    However, neither you nor I could be considered fat either medically or by any rational human.

    Starting in 2012, I started weight lifting (Wendler's 5/3/1) and slowly put on about 8 lbs over 1.5 years. My goal was to get my weight up to a "healthy" BMI before trying to conceive (which I did, ♥, in June ).

    Weightlifting (as heavy as possible barbell lifts) was the very best thing I could have ever done. Adding that lean body mass makes a huge difference in how your body looks. Don't get me wrong, I was happy with how I looked at 107, but 115 with added muscle is way better.

    I will add that I ate closer to 2000 calories while I was lifting weights.

    This is what you need to do to look and feel your best. Get your protein, as well as adequate fat, and grab a barbell and lift.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I think you need to look at Body Fat loss rather than weight loss as a goal. I do understand that when you are used to being a certain weight any weight gain can make you feel 'fat' but clearly you are not.

    I am 5'5.5" and weight 6 pounds more than you and in no way would I consider myself fat (and i get that everyone is different) , I eat on average 1850kcal a day. 500-700Kcal is not even close to enough food a day.
  • suecan2
    suecan2 Posts: 45
    this is a tough one. i would love to tell you that you are unrealistic, but that would be my interpretation. the realism is that YOU are not a happy person with yourself and are starving your body of nutrition. anyways, you may want to know that the organs in your body that make you human -- your heart, lungs, brain, liver, etc all need energy to work. for instance, your lungs use a diaphragm muscle to allow you to breath. with every breath you take you burn calorie by working that muscle. your heart is a muscle - it also needs calorie to pump blood - so to get to my point. your body needs a minimum amount of calorie just to pump blood and breath and this total is much more than 500. your body is in deficit and can only maintain such deficit #'s so long before it is too stressed to remain healthy. read amount BMR (basic metabolic rate).. we all need a minimum amount and that # is never below 1200/day. your body is in survival mode during a fast and will continue to make and store fat while when someone neglects to take in nutrients. talk to a body builder with <10% body fat. some even has 5% body fat - any they get that be eating. find out how much they take in... my guess you will be surprised. i take care of sick people and see the disease side of this thought process. eat your minimum! No one can be a fit healthy person and have attractive muscles by starving the body.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    This has to be a troll. It better be.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You're at a healthy weight. Stop "dieting". If you want to look different, start lifting...with some intensity.
  • KailaVanFossan
    This is a joke, right?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Really?? No, not healthy. If you want to tone up and cut fat, do it the right way. Eat at a slight deficit and do some strength training.