Chinese peer-pressure?

Utrecht11 Posts: 25
edited January 30 in Motivation and Support
Hi there!

We're having a social gathering at my house tonight and everyone's ordering chinese. I REALLY don't want to join them (eating chinese) because 1) don't like chinese, and 2) it's unhealthy. However, since I'm already the 'weird' one for eating so different than them (lots of healthy food), I feel like just giving in for the sake of being 'normal'. How to handle this situation? Eat for the sake of being normal or be the weirdo again?

Thanks a mil


  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Hi there!

    We're having a social gathering at my house tonight and everyone's ordering chinese. I REALLY don't want to join them (eating chinese) because 1) don't like chinese, and 2) it's unhealthy. However, since I'm already the 'weird' one for eating so different than them (lots of healthy food), I feel like just giving in for the sake of being 'normal'. How to handle this situation? Eat for the sake of being normal or be the weirdo again?

    Thanks a mil

    How is chicken & broccoli unhealthy? I always get that and love it, but I can understand if you just don't like Chinese. Can you just let them know you don't like it?
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    What about something like shrimp and broccoli? It's not too "chinese-y" (sorry, it's the only word I can think of) as something that would have lots of bok choy or soy in it. It's sweet and simple and pretty healthy. There's the white sauce, but you could even dab some off. Personally I love Chinese food (both authentic and Americanized) and use it as my excuse to have something fried. I'd take it over fried chicken any day! If not, maybe you could just eat something from the fridge. If someone has a problem, tell them it's your house. So there. Have fun at your party!
  • 201rainbow
    201rainbow Posts: 18 Member
    God, I know exactly how you feel! For some reason my family looks down on me when I'm eating healthy at a social gathering and say stuff like "oh come on, it's just one day!" I hate it.

    Besides you said that you don't even like Chinese and there is nothing wrong with that. But if they beg you to eat some rice just say strong and say no. Have a sandwich or salad. It's your body, why should they care what you put In it? And besides if you were to eat healthy instead of that greasy Chinese food then you'll feel much better.

    Good luck!
  • taylan14
    taylan14 Posts: 34 Member
    Ohh I love chinese food! Go for things like steamed white rice and veggies - or chicken and broccolli - ask for sauces on the side, etc.. Maybe shrimp! Find a way to keep your rules but participate as well.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    There are plenty of healthy Chinese food options. And I don't know what you mean by you don't like Chinese food. Have you tried all of it? Would that be like not liking hot dogs or hamburgers so you say you don't like American food?
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    My Chinese restaurant has a healthy menu. It's protien and veggies steamed with sauce on the side and rice on the side. I usually get shrimp and broccoli, add a small amount of rice and a small amount of the sauce and I think it's a healthy meal.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I always have a great excuse for this one....I once got food poisoning from Chinese food. After a whole weekend of illness I'm happy to say, I'll never eat Chinese again!!!
  • I'd stay away from stuff with heaving breading or that's friend....Just eat lots of veggies and have fun.

    If the weather is great why don't you say " hey the weather is so lovely. Anybody wanna enjoy it and go for a walk?" lol I trick my family sometimes. Bonus points if you have a dog and a nearby park.
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    Honestly, I'd opt for being the weird one again and make yourself something healthy. You don't like Chinese food, so why eat something you aren't going to enjoy? I wouldn't even address the healthy aspect, just simply state you don't like Chinese food and leave it at that. I don't eat it unless I make it at home because I am allergic to MSG and most places use it by the ton.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    There are more healthy choices than non healthy when it comes to Chinese food.
    Just look at their nation, if you don't believe us.
    They are thinner, more athletic and live longer than Americans.

  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    At the Chinese food places I order from, there's a healthy option category. They steam instead of stir fry and put the sauce on the side. I get the chicken and broccoli or beef and broccoli with brown sauce. It's delicious. Otherwise, eat what you want and tell everyone they love you because you are weird.
  • zrjp9
    zrjp9 Posts: 86 Member
    If you dont like it thats fine, but there should be healthy options.
  • I totally understand not liking Chinese food. Me, too! Perhaps you could eat before they come. And there's nothing wrong with saying you don't like Chinese food.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I get what you are saying about feeling pressured to eat food that you aren't particularly fond of...

    I know that Chinese food has some really awesome healthy options, so saying it's not healthy isn't an accurate statement.

    However, if you don't like Chinese, then be in charge of appetizers, finger foods, etc. That way you can have healthy alternatives to fill up on to help with declining the Chinese food, and also, you would be making them. So you would know your calorie counts.

    And if you are pressured, and are still feeling a little hungry, 1/2 cup of white steamed rice won't hurt you and is only about 100 calories. Get a few steamed veggies to put with it, and you're set. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Utrecht11
    Utrecht11 Posts: 25
    Thanks so much for replying!

    It's just that the 'chinese food' just looks reallllly gross to me. I used to love it but since eating mostly raw vegan, I hate it. It looks disgusting. And they're ordering for a big group so I don't want to be the princess and be like 'just steamed rice and some broccoli' please! It's just the comments and the pressure of 'just eat normal for ONE day', 'why are you nor eating normally?' bladiebla talk that I'm tired of and looking to avoid this one without being too stuck-up.
  • Utrecht11
    Utrecht11 Posts: 25
    I always have a great excuse for this one....I once got food poisoning from Chinese food. After a whole weekend of illness I'm happy to say, I'll never eat Chinese again!!!

    Love this one haha!
  • Mishinmite
    Mishinmite Posts: 43 Member
    Being weird is awesome. You stand out from the crowd. They don't really care what you eat, they're probably just picking at you in fun. If they really thought you were weird in a bad way, they wouldn't be coming to your house. Eat your own thing and laugh it off if anyone says anything about it.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Nobody has any business telling you what to eat or making fun of you for it.
    If you don't want to eat it, then don't, and don't listen to what anybody else says to you.

    Personally, I'd order some steamed veggies, with white rice and chicken, with the sauce on the side.
    Nothing gross or unhealthy about that. If people don't like it, tough, not my problem.

    Edit, I just noticed this gathering is at YOUR house. If that's the case, you can do/order whatever you want even more so than if it were at someone else's house. If I was going to be home, I'd just make my own food for myself and not order any chinese.
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