Exercise Routine 's

Ok heres A little confession.. I feel guilty if I miss one workout day .. I often get the feeling, that im not doing enough.. Does anyone else go threw this ? Looking for Positive feed back & honesty :)

Kelly :smile:


  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    I did when I first started working out. Then I realized how important a weekly rest day was to my recovery and progress. As you get more comfortable in your routine that feeling will pass.

    Nowadays I still miss working out on rest days. But that is not because of guilt. Its because I truly enjoy working out.
  • breeannalee
    Yep :(.. I feel guilty when i stuff up eating or miss a work out too..
    Even when its that time of the month I get super bloated and every month I have the same fit and beat myself up about how I should have eaten better, how I could have worked out more.. and then after a week the bloating is gone.. It sucks because I know why it happens but it doesnt stop me from having a freak out every single time..

    My advice to you.. Just remember you are on here for a reason, you are bettering yourself and you are doing a whole lot more to stay in shape than the majority of the population who ignore the problem.
    This is a continual Journey, one work out isnt going to make you skinny, just like missing one isnt going to make you fat.. :)

    There will be times in life it wont all go to plan, but if you keep at it, you are still improving and that is all that matters! <3
  • saanaismom
    saanaismom Posts: 79 Member
    Yup. Even when my body needs rest and I listen, I still feel crappy about the missed workout. Feeling crappy isn't the end of the world - as long as you listen to your body. Now if you're just missing workouts because you don't feel like it and you know you're making excuses well that's another issue.

    Ask yourself, when you're working out - do you give it your all - 100%? That's all we can ask of ourselves. You're working out, logging, and putting one step in front of the next. Remember the body needs rest to recover- that's a vital part of the process, try to reframe it that way.
  • sportsbc1976
    Theres always something going on throughout the day whether its light walking or house cleaning. Some days I wish I could just sit and chill but theres always something that needs to get done. I'm sure you do some type of walking throughout the day even if its just a small amout. Every little bit counts :)