Tips for Correcting Bad Posture?

Hi there!

I'm not really sure if this is the best place to put this topic, but whatever... lol

So anyways, I've had bad posture like my whole life. I slump over all the time (walking, sitting down, etc) and my back evem hurts sometimes because of it. It's really irritating to me that I can't seem to help myself in this situation...i try to catch myself doing it but I hardly ever think about it so most of the time i continue to have bad posture.

Is there anyone out there who's had this type of problem before that they were able to correct themselves?

I really don't want to end up like my grandma who has like a permanent slump, so I really want to figure this out soon before it's too late!



  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Pilates or yoga! Both are good for creating body awareness, core strength, alignment and posture. Do a class, though, as it's hard as a beginner to make sure you're doing it correctly.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Quick fix - bra with a T back. Most sports bras have this. You can also look on line for specialty bras. They help to remind you to sit up straight.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
  • cougar2007
    cougar2007 Posts: 25
    I have bad posture too, it was really bad, but has slowly been getting better. My PT told me to adjust the mirrors in your car to the height that they should be when you are sitting upright. That way when you slink down, you have to sit up correctly to see out of them.

    Also, I have a desk job and was told to get an exercise ball instead of a chair. You sit up correctly on them and *bonus* ab workout. Hope that helps!