Hello people.

I am brand new here! I look forward to hopefully losing some/alot of weight. I was a Marine for several years and ended up having my femur bone cracked and right knee rebuilt. That ended my excersising days. I started smoking and slowly put the pounds on. Well after years of not doing anything about it, getting a few health problems and eventually Plantar Fasciitis (spelling?) in BOTH of my feet I had had enough. 3 months ago I quit smoking and started working out. The work out did not last long. I was going 1-2 times a week and doing 20-30 mins of cardio and 5-10 mins of weights. I started with a weight of 285 - then moved to 287 due to not eating well/not caring. I have been going hard the last 2 weeks or longer/eating well. I have gained 2.5lbs. I am kind of stuck with the eliptical due to my plantar fasciitis. I do 30-60 mins 3-5 days a week. it says I burn anywhere from 350-850 calories per session. I am gonna continue to work out but am frustrated beyond belief. Any tip's are greatly appreciated. I look forward to being a long time poster here.


  • toddmoore83
    toddmoore83 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome aboard...
    lots of times people start to work out and gain weight. Reason is muscle has weight.. You are converting fat to muscle to you are really gaining but does not look like it on the scales. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn. so in time the pounds will fall away.. My son has plantars so I know the pain. you can tape them to help with the pain. google taping for plantar fasciitis. He plays soccer and I do it all the time.
    1st step is to control sugar.. This is hard st best.. Cut out soda and sweet tea. This will do wonders... Also Muscle is made of water, so the more water you drink the more muscle promoted. Water also makes you full so you want less to eat. Add lemon, lime or orange slices for flavor.. These also provide vitamins for your health..
    Good Luck Bro....
  • rallen540
    rallen540 Posts: 13
    Thanks! I drink lot's of water - no soda or tea - splenda in my morning coffee. I will have to look up taping because I LOVE to be active but the pain from the plantar can be unbearable. I can play only 10 mins of basketball or softball etc etc and then have trouble walking for 2-3 days.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    I had the same problem with plantar and ended up with cortisone injections in both the arch and heel of my feet. Haven't had a problem since, even after starting to do long distance runs. It might be something to look into. Feel free to add me for support if you would like! good luck!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I would love to help out or answer any questions/give tips but I do much better answering something specific so I know what people are trying to figure out. Don't hesitate!
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    I had the plantar problem in my left foot for a while. The doctor had me do some stretches and wear heel cups in my shoes. Since losing some weight, it hasn't bothered me at all and I haven't needed to wear the heel cups anymore.
  • rallen540
    rallen540 Posts: 13
    I have had 3 cortizone shots in EACH foot! - The left foot is practically gone! Right foot is still bad - jasoncbackus I am watching you closely lol! I really think weight loss will help alot.