345lbs Seeking friends for end of world or just motivation

Age: 23 :glasses:
Weight: 345.75
Goal Weight #1: 200
Secondary Goal: Build Muscle
Minor Goal: Lose 25 pounds before September

If youd like to add me, Id appreciate the support and return it. Im on paleo, day 11, and loving every minute of it. I take multivitamins, work out at the gym, and am trying to lead a bit more active lifestyle. My job allows me to walk around and stand all day, and in fact requires it so thats a start.

Great friends would be even better to continue my progress!


  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Age: 23 :glasses:
    Weight: 345.75
    Goal Weight #1: 200
    Secondary Goal: Build Muscle
    Minor Goal: Lose 25 pounds before September

    If youd like to add me, Id appreciate the support and return it. Im on paleo, day 11, and loving every minute of it. I take multivitamins, work out at the gym, and am trying to lead a bit more active lifestyle. My job allows me to walk around and stand all day, and in fact requires it so thats a start.

    Great friends would be even better to continue my progress!

    great goals! and realistic.. sounds like you are a young man who wants to get his health back! stay posotive and you CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I weighed 343 lbs once upon a time, I am down to 196 as of last week. My original goal was just to get under 200 lb, but once I got there I am looking to get close to 180 if I can.
    So basically I am at the other end of the journey you are starting.
    My advice to you is simple. This is a long process. You have to be willing to commit yourself to it for the rest of your life. There is no quick fix, no easy answers. Even if you find something that works at some point it will stall out and you will have to find ways to change. You will have weeks when you do everything right and you gain weight back. People will find ways to try and sabotage you. Life will give you illness and injuries.
    It won't be easy but you can do it if you want it and can commit 100% to it.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    I started at the same weight 345lbs last year. You have started well. I would just suggest one thing, make your mini goal to lose 25lbs at the end of September. You should not be looking at dropping 5 lbs every week. End of september will give you 10 weeks from today which means you will be losing little over 2lbs each week.
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started at 330 just over a year ago and have gotten down almost 100 pounds. Goal weight is 180, so our goals are pretty close! Great start, keep it up!