Can I keep my boobs and lift?

I have just started lifting which I love and feel like I've finally found the right way for me to get fit. My one concern is I am curvy and love having curves, so though I want to tone everything up and flatten my stomach I don't want to flatten my chest? Does anyone have any advice?


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member


    Go dig in that thread, there's a bunch of good links
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    simple answer: yes
  • libranpixi
    libranpixi Posts: 6 Member
    Brilliant, thank you :-)
  • smerkord
    smerkord Posts: 101 Member
    If lifting made boobs go away, I would be in the gym lifting the heaviest I could everyday. The women you see that have the massive pectorials instead of boobs don't get that from a normal person workout. That is a career and likely comes with steroid use.
  • famousa88
    famousa88 Posts: 22 Member
    Fat loss is what makes your breasts go away.. don't lose fat and you can keep your boobies. All toning means is that you have lost the fat that is covering your hard earned muscle. Can't have your cake and eat it too...